Essence of the Admiral

Essence of the Admiral

*You gain a body at peak physical condition with whatever particular aesthetics you desire.

*Obtain the mind of a tactical and strategic genius for warfare the likes of which rival the great admirals of the past like Nelson, Togo, and Yi Sun-sin.

*Also receive the skills and ability of an expert captain, able to command and wield your flagship like a fine instrument of death.

*Ability to call upon vessels from across the multiverse to serve you. These vessels will have crews that are loyal to you no matter their origin. Upon summoning them you understand how to use them for maximum effect. You may determine the crew composition.

*Similarly you may chose a particular ship, class, or design your own and you will receive it as a flagship.

*Can awaken a vessels spirit and give the vessel full sapience. Vessels may also be summoned like this being manifested with the ship in control of themselves and utterly loyal to you.

*You may also give vessels avatars so they may experience life as a living being as well, this also comes with a choice of converting their hull to make them mecha musume. You may also chose to become whatever you chose as your flagship to feel the same power the rest of your vessels experience.

*Any vessel that falls in the line of duty can be resummoned though the stronger it is the longer it takes. Existing wrecks may be added to your fleet and will be repaired once the appropriate amount of time it would have taken to resummons them has passed.

*Supplies for any vessel in your fleet will slowly regenerate over time ensuring you are never totally out of resources.