Essence of the King

Essence of the King

*A body just above the peak of your species in ability, one sculpted to your tastes.

*Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.

*Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

*A signature bloodline with several benefits up to your discretion. Can pass onto your descendants.

*Perfect memory with infinite storage

*mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

*Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

*Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

*A mastery of economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

*Charisma to bend the will of entire nations and the sheer presence of a monarch that others would describe as divine.

*Optionally begin with a kingdom of your own design, from its general people, cultures, customs, military, etc. Its initial size can be up to that of a proper continent. The Kingdom can retroactively insert itself into any new world you visit or be housed in its own shielded pocket dimension. Most entities will be unable to pass to your realm freely unless they are significantly powerful such as gods.