Essence of the Commander

Essence of the Commander

*You either gain the body of or have access to the body of a commander. This commander is a massive robot/mecha that can rapidly construct technology, reverse engineer nearly anything it encounters with enough time, fight wars on a mindboggling scale with little difficulty and numerous other things. The exact technology and powers held within this extremely complex machine are up to your discretion, perhaps it even runs on magic. You may freely apply essences directly to the commander specifically to grant it additional function or protection.

*Your technology and any you collect and modify is blackboxed so that it is extremely difficult to reverse engineer without help on your part. You may choose to disable blackboxed tech for things you want to share or don't care not to share.

*Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop. Any previous mental damage or trauma will be repaired and further trauma and damage is extremely tough to inflict upon you.

*Basic training, enough to fight and defend yourself against most regular foes.

*Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

*A mastery of economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.

*As the commander you gain perfect and infinite memory with instant recall. Furthermore your mind is able to process and successfully handle the multitasking and management needed to keep your forces in the fight at a massive scale.

*Any units you create are unwaveringly loyal, they cannot be turned against you save with unwilling subversion.