Essence of the Grandmaster

Essence of the Grandmaster

*By consuming this essence your stats, skills, attributes, powers, and anything that can grow are instantaneously pushed to their natural peak or when your theoretically most able state would be. An Exalt would find themselves at Essence 10 with many charms and possibly millennia of new 'memories' for example. This does not grant an infinite perpetually improving boost if paired with anything that breaks these natural caps.

*Any new skill, attribute, power, or ability you gain will near instantaneously mature to mastery or its most potent state.

*You gain an archived and indexed library of all of that you know. This may be a mental space like a mind palace or a literal space like a dimensional archive. Its nature is totally up to you.

*Anyone you train will be able to grow in ability extremely quickly then they would be able to otherwise.

*You can at will get a general sense of the potential of someone as well as individual destined to be great or terrible.