Essence of Progenitor Human

Essence of Progenitor Human

*Become the origin point of humanity, the first and greatest human. Gain a body that is vastly superior to that of any normal human in all attributes. You can develop any ability innate to other versions of mankind such as those that are from alternate universes if you come in contact with them. Things like bloodlines, strange powers that can develop naturally and so on. These abilities will grow to match your level with enough time and effort. 

*Immune to poison and disease. You are also ageless.

*You can create resources from nothing and how they manifest, such as forcing pillars of gold to shoot from the ground as massive landmarks or flooding a depression with fresh untainted water turning it into a pond. Even plants and animals except other sapient beings may be created in the same manner.

*Extremely charismatic on the level of whipping up strangers into a frenzy with a few choice words and easily gaining die hard loyal supporters with little effort. Humans especially will see you as a symbol of the species and rally to you should you take up a cause. Even beasts and monsters are not immune as any may be overwhelmed by your mandate to rule nature.

*You learn extremely quickly, taking in months of experience in days, years of experience in weeks and decades if not a century of experience in years.

*Can survive and thrive in desperate situations and adapt accordingly even if logically you would most likely die an ignoble death.

*Can learn and understand anything with enough study, even reverse engineer and reproduce strange alien devices or magical artifacts with human sciences.

*Similarly you can uplift more primitive groups of humans to the standard of science and technology that you understand.

*Can breed with anything and still somehow result in a viable half human hybrid that takes more after their human side then alien. Toggleable

*You can produce several distinct types of humans depending on the quality of your partner. Regardless all types are immune to mundane diseases and poison. Men of Gold, Silver, and Bronze are resistant to supernatural poison and disease.

*Men of Gold, the closest to you in abilities and can generate resources/life and learn just as you. They do not visibly age and their lifespan is many times that of a normal human. Unfortunately they are rather difficult to breed. Men of Gold are natural leaders and can organize themselves and their lesser brethren effectively for whatever purpose you desire.

*Men of Silver, who are smaller and inferior to Men of Gold but still vastly superior to those of lesser men in ability and hold the same that Men of Gold have from yourself but weaker still. But they are much easier to breed then Men of Gold and can act as effective seconds to the Men of Gold

*Men of Bronze, are very physically powerful and aggressive, they only retain the ability to learn quickly from yourself. War is in their blood and they will very quickly develop strong combat abilities that allow them to roll over even Men of Gold or Silver if they outnumber them. They can be bred in large numbers and work well under a Man of Silver or better under a Man of Gold.

*Men of Iron, or more or less enhanced mundane humans. They are closer to the peak of humanity but lack anything else in regards to inheritance. There are the bare minimum that you are capable of breeding and extremely easy to do so if not easier then what you know as humanity.