Optimized Essence of the Supernatural Organization 

Essence of the Supernatural Organization

By consuming the essence of the Supernatural Organization, you gain several boons:

Ownership and Purpose: You gain ownership of a supernatural organization dedicated to your chosen goal, whether it's protecting humanity, keeping the supernatural secret, or leading a band of fanatical minions.

Headquarters: The organization starts with a single headquarters, a sprawling complex with advanced manufacturing facilities, cutting-edge labs, medical facilities, well-stocked armories, and supply storage. The headquarters can be designed to your preference, whether out in the open, a hidden bunker, or a well-disguised front. It is protected from reality warping, magic, psionics, and other exotic threats, as well as conventional and cyber attacks.

Manpower and Cloning: The organization can supply all necessary personnel, who are highly skilled clones educated to the top of their fields. Any personnel, including you, can be re-cloned with their memories, soul, and essential traits intact, repairing any damage. All personnel are loyal to you, with loyalty levels adjustable based on the organization's nature. You can also opt for semi-autonomous drones controlled by you. The machinery can provide pre-programmed skill packages for any humanly possible skills.

Key Capabilities:

Teleportation and Portals: The organization can accurately plot and teleport or open portals to different locations, dimensions, or universes, bypassing most defenses. Stable portals can be built for continued access.

Research and Development: Scientists can rapidly reverse engineer technology, supernatural abilities, items, magic, psionics, and races from samples. Larger samples make replication easier, but more powerful samples take longer. Breakthroughs can upgrade personnel or develop new technology, even creating superbeings. Vulnerabilities can be eliminated with enough effort. The organization already has advanced technology like power armor, fusion reactors, cybernetic augments, gauss and railgun technology, and autonomous drones.

Supernatural Shielding: The organization has developed shielding to block the strongest supernatural powers, devices that cancel reality warping or chaotic magic, and restraints that render beings of middling power as helpless as average humans. Study can improve these restraints. The organization can safely store volatile or corruptive individuals or items.

Wealth and Economic Stability: Your organization, and by extension you, are incredibly wealthy. Money seems to flow effortlessly into your coffers, and the economy remains stable whenever your organization interacts with it, barring any external interference. The organization can convert its currency as needed, ensuring legitimacy in any locality.

World Transfer: Optionally, you can transfer yourself and your organization to a different world, even retroactively if you prefer.