Essence of Humanity Fuck Yeah

Essence of Humanity Fuck Yeah

*Gain an evolved human body superior to the peak of normal humans. Your natural lifespan measures in centuries instead of decades. If you are not human you are now at least half human and can assume a human form at will if you lacked one.

*Extremely charismatic on the level of whipping up strangers into a frenzy with a few choice words and easily gaining die hard loyal supporters with little effort. Humans especially will see you as a symbol of the species and rally to you should you take up a cause.

*You learn extremely quickly, taking in weeks of experience in days, months of experience in weeks and years if not decades of experience in months. Your skills will never degrade even if you let them sit for a decade or two.

*Can survive and thrive in desperate situations and adapt accordingly even if logically you would most likely die an ignoble death. Getting killed by a stray bullet or falling rock isn't in the cards for you. If they want to kill you they will have to do it the hard way.

*Can learn and understand anything with enough study, even reverse engineer and reproduce strange alien devices or magical artifacts with human sciences.

*Can breed with anything and still somehow result in a viable half human hybrid that takes more after their human side then alien. You are incredibly charming to non-humans and those with non-human ancestry. Not to say you aren't charming to humans, humans fucking love you.