Optimized Essence of the Exalted

Essence of the Exalted

By consuming the essence of the Exalted, you gain several boons:

Choose Your Exaltation: Select from any available type, such as Dragonblooded, Solar, Lunar, or Alchemical. Your strength reflects that of a newly exalted individual in your chosen category, with unique advantages based on your selection.

Permanent Bond: Your exaltation fuses to you permanently, remaining with you even after death.

Dragonblooded Legacy: If you choose the Dragonblooded path, you can breed more Dragonblooded offspring who will exalt in their youth. Your bloodline will remain pure across generations, regardless of interbreeding with mortals.

Unlimited Charms: Sidereals can create new charms without restriction, expanding their arsenal of abilities freely.

Nullify Drawbacks: Any negative side effects of your exaltation, such as the Great Curse or other limitations, can be nullified at will.

Bond Mate Encounter: Solaroid and Lunar exaltations can meet their bond mates without fear of immediate hostility.

Past Life Recollection: You have the ability to remember past lives associated with your exaltation if you choose to.

Material Acquisition: You can find rare materials like Orichalcum or other necessary components for crafting artifacts, even outside of Creation. You can also encounter lesser gods, leylines, elementals, and other Exalted elements in any world you explore.

Alchemical Crafting: Alchemicals can forge charms from essence without needing the usual infrastructure, allowing them to summon or banish charms as needed.