Optimized Essence of the Planeswalker

Essence of the Planeswalker

By consuming the essence of the Planeswalker, you gain several boons:

Planeswalker Spark: You ignite a planeswalker spark, akin to those before the Mending, granting you immense power and independence.

Immortality and Invincibility: You are nearly invincible as long as your mind remains intact. You also gain the ability to shapeshift at will.

Magical Mastery: You possess vast magical power, able to wield all colors of magic with particular affinity for one or more. You learn and understand magic rapidly, bolstering your reserves by bonding with various lands for mana.

Multiverse Travel: You can travel to any plane in the multiverse and bring individuals along safely. Any planeshifting technology you create functions flawlessly.

Creation and Summoning: You can create objects, creatures, and even entire planes using your magic. You can summon loyal copies of any beings you encounter and bind originals to you with a geas.

Igniting Sparks: You can use your own spark to ignite post-Mending sparks in others, though this process is exhausting and can only be done occasionally.

Starting Location: Optionally, you may begin your journey on any plane of Magic: The Gathering, either before or after the Mending.