Essence of the Campione

Essence of the Campione

*You've become a Campione, a mortal who has done the impossible and slayed a god in combat.

*Your body is now that of a Campione, all complications and previous injuries sustained have been healed. You are in your physical prime and will live at minimum for centuries. You heal at an incredible rate and can learn any language fairly quickly just by being around its speakers.

*Any magic less then that of a gods or other divinity is utterly useless against you unless it manages to get inside of your body. Even then magical effects will quickly find themselves being unraveled.

*The amount of magical energy you possess outstrips any mortal mage by several magnitudes.

*For slaying a god you have usurped one of their authorities, an expression of their divine power. An Authority is based on a given gods mythology such as the Thunderbolts wielded by Zeus or the nearly invulnerable skin of Siegfried.

*You are able to gain more authorities the more gods you successfully slay, even ones not native to the Campione setting.

*You may choose to allow Heretic Gods to exist and descend from myth in other settings if you visit them. These gods may be separate existences from their counterparts being forged from their myth instead of outright copies of the original god allowing for divergences in powers. Heretic Gods that form through this way will still have power in the realm of any gods in that setting. Settings without actual gods will default to Campione! level Heretic Gods.

*Optionally you can be dropped into the setting of Campione.