Optimized Essence of the Shinigami 

Essence of the Shinigami

By consuming the essence of the Shinigami, you gain several boons:

Shinigami Physiology: Gain the physiology of a Shinigami, with your powers immune to being sealed by targeting vulnerable areas. Your spiritual power is equal to or greater than that of a captain-level Shinigami.

Mastery of Combat Arts: Achieve mastery in Zanjutsu, Hōhō, Hakuda, and Kido. You can easily teach these skills to other Shinigami.

Conversion Ability: By expending spiritual energy, convert mortals and ghosts into Shinigami, granting them the basic abilities of your race. A significant expenditure can elevate them to the level of a Shinigami Captain.

Zanpakutō: Receive a Zanpakutō of your own design or an existing one, complete with Bankai unlocked and mastered. If sealed or destroyed, it will regenerate after one day.

Creation of Tools: You possess the knowledge to create more Asauchi and other tools used by Shinigami.

Personal Dimension: Optionally, gain a personal dimension that defaults to a copy of the Soul Society. Initially spirit-free, it can begin receiving any newly deceased souls without issue.