Essence of the Waifu Box

Essence of the Waifu Box

*Can summon to your person a catalog of the waifus (or husbandos) of the multiverse, it has seemingly infinite pages and can sort itself as you require narrowing any search down by whatever specific needs or desires. It cannot be stolen as it will simply disappear and reappear on your person.

*Have a device or app that allows you to change the settings on your orders, which its most basic function being locating, summoning, and commanding anyone you decide to order.

*You can fill out the forms included for which individual you might want then any changes, extras or accessories to the base order and then mail them to the address indicated, which does not seemingly exist. This mail cannot be incercepted and will be swiftly delivered and processed and your package delivered in twenty four hours afterwards safe and secure at your home.

*Every box contains the individual ordered along with whatever equipment that might have been listed with their catalog entry, some assembly required. There is a lifetime warranty so if they are destroyed or ruined you can simply send the old one back and get a fresh one that maintains whatever experiences the previous did, unless you want a complete start over for whatever reason. Similarly if you are dissatisfied you can simply ship them back no questions asked. Every box comes with an individual manual of use just in case you get confused about something that came with the order.

*These individuals are modified to be immortal and unaging past their prime. By default they are hardwired to obey you and having a fondness that will smooth over most of the problems they might take with being property. There are also several default modification options to their personality such as Tsundere, Deredere, Yandere, Kuudere, and further still. You can specify in the forms any special mental modifications that you may want them to have along with everything else.

*Alternatively if you wish to be more hands on you will instead receive a Waifu Box Kit which lets you make your own waifus, manual included. You will no longer be able to order or ship back waifus through the mail but the Waifu Box Kit will be able to produce any waifu you need manual included. The Waifu Box Kit manifests however you wish such as a bubbling cauldron a waifu springs forth, an advanced machine that spits out a waifu like a vending machine or stranger still. If your Waifu Box Kit is damaged or destroyed it will be restored the next day regardless of what happened to it. Waifus are automatically backed up real time and can simply be recreated if they are killed or you decide to 'retire' them.