Essence of the Terran Hegemony 

Essence of the Terran Hegemony 

*You become the ruler of the Terran Hegemony of Battletech. Once the glue that held together the Star League before it was destroyed in the 2700s.

*You gain all the prerequisite skills needed to run an interstellar power whether it be in war and peace, and bring that state into a golden age of prosperity.

*Are a solid battlemech pilot and combatant in general able to operate all common weapons and vehicles. You are also not a slouch in strategy or tactics.

*Gain control of all Terran Hegemony worlds as they were before the coup in 2764 and the death of the Cameron bloodline. You may choose to be a Cameron or decide on an alternate house to become the 'canon' ruler of the Terran Hegemony.

*Gain a reconstituted Terran Hegemony Armed Forces and Navy drawn from Star League forces, notably the Royal Divisions. Your SDS system is fully functional and ready to fight off any invaders.

*Gain a complete Prometheus data core which has all Star League tech stored on it. If you feel like you need more Inner Sphere tech and Clan tech up to 3067 can be included as well. If this extra is included your military will be updated to reflect this with Battlearmor and Omnimech capability.

*Can be dropped into the Battletech setting from 2764 to 3067 overlapping the original Terran Hegemony territory and replacing whatever was there. If you want a bigger challenge only the Solar System will overlap leaving Terra as your lone bulwark in the Inner Sphere.