Optimized Essence of Sukebe 

Essence of Sukebe

By embracing the essence of Sukebe, the notorious creator of Pokégirls, you gain a variety of formidable abilities and resources:

Sukebe's Knowledge: Acquire the knowledge and expertise of Sukebe, including his motivations, strategies, and creations during the Revenge War.

Advanced Technology Mastery: You can understand and construct any technology that Sukebe developed, as well as any innovations created by the various leagues since.

Pokégirl Creation: You possess the ability to create any breed of Pokégirl, including legendaries. You can program intense loyalty into even the most unruly types, ensuring their compliance. You also know how to delay or prevent feral transformations, giving you control over their behavior.

Delta Bonding: Establish delta bonds with any of your Pokégirls, enhancing your connection and potentially granting you shared abilities.

Advanced Laboratory: You gain access to an advanced laboratory equipped with much of Sukebe's technology, including a working dimensional portal for travel. This lab is ideal for experimenting with Pokégirl breeds and related tech. You also have a stasis pod containing any non-legendary Pokégirl to serve as your starter.

Comprehensive Stasis Pod Collection: Optionally, your lab can contain at least one of every Pokégirl in stasis, providing you with a vast array of options. Legendary Pokégirls may be existing ones or near-blank slate clones, ready for your commands.

Timeline Entry: You may choose to be dropped into the Pokégirl universe at any point in its timeline, allowing for strategic advantages depending on your chosen era.