Essence of the Doom Slayer 

Essence of the Doom Slayer 

*You gain a body fit for waging war against the denizens of hell, you are superhuman, able to tear demons apart with your bare hands alone. Your body is unaging and will still be going strong even after ages have passed with nary a worry of you losing any functionality. Your mind is just as sharp and wouldn't suffer being trapped for eons only fighting demons one bit.

*Your will is such that you could spend forever killing the legions of hell and not break. There is very little that can even put a dent in your will. In fact all that would do is make you angrier. This anger only makes you stronger making your more powerful the angrier you become. You are immune to corruption and can in fact use items that would tear anyone else asunder into a jibbering husk or worse.

*Are a one man genocide against Hell or anyone unfortunate enough to gain your wrath. Zombies, possessed, demons, angels, it doesn't matter you are a brutal grandmaster of combat able to kill them all with your two hands and judicious use of a BFG. Killing enemies with 'glory kills' not only heals you but it also refills your ammo making you a practically unceasing engine of slaughter. Anything you kill with a glory kill will stay dead. You also know the Runes of hell and can make use of those as you see fit, perhaps even discover more in the future.

*Gain your own Fortress of Doom space station as a base. It come fully operational with any backdoors to its systems like the original closed. It has all the equipment you could ever want including a Praetor suit, large selection of weapons like the BFG9000, Chainsaw, and Super Shotgun to name a few. Anything lost or destroyed will be replaced after a day. It even has a loyal copy of VEGA installed to the fortress to keep it running.

*Optionally you may be dropped into any Doom and replace Doom Marine/Doom Slayer.