Optimized Essence of the Rambling Bohemian Bastard

Essence of the Rambling Bohemian Bastard

By consuming the essence of the Rambling Bohemian Bastard, you gain several boons:

Survival Skills: You acquire basic skills in a trade, such as blacksmithing, along with proficiency in multiple languages, enabling you to read and write. Your physical strength and toughness are enhanced, allowing you to fend off average highwaymen.

Rapid Improvement: Your physical abilities and skills can improve at an astonishing rate, achieving what would typically take others months or years in just weeks. This growth is sustainable until you reach your personal limits.

Vague Sense of Opportunity: You possess an innate ability to sense interesting opportunities, such as quests, treasure, and people in need. This boon can be toggled on or off at will.

Alchemy Expertise: If you pursue alchemy, you can craft various useful concoctions, including Savior Schnapps, which grants limited immortality by allowing you to save your state and return to it upon death or injury.

Mystical Chest: You have a special chest that can hold an impressive amount of items, seemingly defying size constraints. This chest is hidden from others unless you choose to reveal it and contains clothing, armor, weapons, and maintenance kits.

Animal Summoning: When you whistle, you can call any of your animals to your side, regardless of distance. Should an animal perish, they will reappear unharmed upon your next whistle. You start with a loyal dog and horse.

Optional Integration: You may be dropped into the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, taking on the role of a character within that narrative, armed with your newfound boons.