Essence of the Samurai

Essence of the Samurai

By imbibing this refined mixture, you are granted the powers of a Samurai from Samurai 8.

*Your body has become completely cybernetic, resembling your most ideal self, made up of a self-repairing colony of nanomachines and various other cybernetic organs. It will regenerate all damage, unless you acknowledge that you have lost a battle/the will to live. Limbs can be regrown within minutes, but reattaching severed body parts is much faster. Regenerations starts from the head down if cut into pieces, while all other pieces disintegrate.

*At your core is your Key, a metallic spinal column that replaces your old one, with a black box for your brain. You may open up your head and extend your key at any time, in order to connect to any device, mostly for transmitting or downloading data. The bottom of your key is where your Soul resides.

*Your capabilities are now measured using several stats: Strength, Speed, Technical Skill, Intelligence, Gravity (one's natural ability to draw or be drawn towards significant events or people), Key Holder (Explained below), Heroism and Charisma. These stats are mainly used to measure whether or not you are capable of learning skills (explained below)

*While wielding a sword (even a fake sword will do), you will be able to perform feats of nigh impossible strength and precision. You can cut through a tank with ease, without harming its occupants, upon drinking the Essence, and will only grow stronger from there.

*You gain the ability to control 'H-Particles,' manipulating the concepts of connecting and severing. Among other (sadly not established) things, it allows you to upgrade Holders (mechanical animals) into Key Holders.

*You gain access to a Key Holder of your own design. Your Key Holder can transform its outer plating into samurai armor for you, as well as additional weapons. Holder Armor makes you impervious to conventional weaponry. It will also grant you a bone hilt.

*This deserves it own mention. Using your bone hilt, you can take out your soul and transform it into a lightsaber katana, known as the True Sword. These are the only things that can cut through Holder Armor.

*You will also be granted a Ship Holder of any design, a massive-sized Holder that can take you and any number of passengers across the galaxy quickly. Has FTL capabilities, can be manipulated on the inside mentally by you, and can transform its outer hull into a suit of mech-sized armor for you.

*Over time, you can generate additional souls, which can be used for various techniques. Chief among them is the Incarnate Body, which transforms a soul into a clone of you, with a fraction of your overall stats. You can also split off pieces of your soul and imbue them with special power for other people or Samurai to use. Don't worry, this does not harm you or your soul in any way.

*You gain the knowledge licenses of the five Samurai schools, which allows you to see all of the skills for each and the stats required to unlock them. Upon learning a skill, its power increases or decreases in correspondence with your stats. In addition, using a skill places Stress on your Key, similar to an overheat meter.

*In addition to sword techniques, each school provides knowledge on how to use one's cybernetic body or Holder in different ways. The five schools are:

 *Kongou Yasha: appears to have sword techniques named after dogs. Includes the Atmos Fang (a skill that turns a planet's atmosphere into a wolf-shaped blast) and skills that involve transforming Holder Armor into firearms of various kinds.Gozanze: Techniques that can transform the user's True Sword into different kinds of weapons.

 *Gundari: Techniques that involve either implanting or forming hidden weapons out of the user's own body. Rocket hands, EMPs, extra blades, etc.

 *Daiitoku: Techniques that transform Holder Armor into extra limbs or other body parts.

 *Ususama: The 'evil' school of the setting. Techniques named after cats. Appears to posses space-warping abilities.

*The different schools may also be combined for powerful effects. For instance, combining Kongou Yasha and Ususama allows the user to warp enemies into the middle of nowhere, severing their connections with their Holders.

*Each school's most powerful skill inflicts 0 Stress, but requires all stats to reach Infinity to learn. Seemingly impossible, but who knows...

*Finally, fate will draw you towards a person who best fits your personality, of your preferred sex. This person will be your Princess. Your duty is to grow strong in order to protect this person with your immortal life, and in return, he or she can boost your stats by praying, multiplying them by your Heroism stat. Your relationship with them is up to you to deepen and grow. Be warned: your Princess CAN leave the relationship if you are a total dick to them. Your Gravity will ensure that you find another one, but still...