Chapter 1- Blessings

[A world you are familiar with. Something you deemed as fiction and read as a book, such a world would be a reality.]

[You would have only one task, and that as well, not something you need to accomplish immediately after rebirth. First, build your strength, make some connections, and when the time comes, you just have to do what you are accustomed to.]

[Slaughter your target.]

Ceaser listened to those words carefully, but outwardly, he remained casual.

Once the voice was done speaking, Ceaser asked, "What if I change my mind and betray you? I sometimes feel zesty, y'know."

The voice sounded indifferent,

[If you can remain alive until that point, then we will see if you accept my orders or not.]

Ceaser smirked, "Threat or challenge?"

[Whatever you find entertaining. Now, before you go, I must give you a blessing to support your life in this new world. Tell me, what do you desire?]

Ceaser thought for a moment before asking, "My body...can you enhance my self-repairing ability?"

[Hmm, approved. Now, you will heal five times the speed of a normal person.]

"Nice," Ceaser grinned, and then asked, "Can I ask you to enhance my learning speed? Like even twice would do."

[Considering the difficulty of the world, I am increasing your learning speed by four times. And as a bonus, you can have these books of ancient sword arts. You love swords, no?]

Ceaser was thoroughly surprised to receive so many rewards. He was about to ask if he could get something like sonic speed when suddenly the voice coldly said,

[Rejected. You aren't getting any other boon.]

Ceaser sighed before asking, "Any other ability would I get or just these?"

[Naturally, the person you would become, their powers, and other abilities would be in your possession.]

Ceaser raised his brows, "So I am overtaking over someone's body?"

[A dead person's, yes.]

This was...unexpected. Ceaser was thinking that he would go through the usual procedure of reincarnating as a baby who gets cast away because of his inferior abilities and then Ceaser could train in secrecy only to surprise those people in the future...

Well, not like he was a fan of that cliche. And who would want to just poop, eat and sleep for months?

"Alright, send me."

[Before that, you must know something; despite how someone becomes close to you or how much you start trusting someone, you can't let them know about the meeting between us nor about the fact that you are from another world, understand?]

Ceaser smirked, "You don't need to tell me that."

And with that, a blinding light enshrouded the man and in the next moment, the void was left with nothing but darkness.



His eyes parted wide, and the first thing he saw was a clear dark sky with a few stars twinkling distantly.

It took him time to realise that he was lying down on the ground, and the surface beneath him was trembling...gradually trembling.

"Damn!" He exclaimed upon realizing that it was footsteps that were causing the tremors, urging Ceaser to lift his unusually sluggish and heavy body.

He didn't have the time to check what he looked like since when he lifted his head, he found something huge and terrifying advancing towards him.

It was a giant fu*king spider!

Ceaser sprang to his feet and ignored the shooting pain down his spine.

Turning around he decided to run, not like he had any other option. His body wasn't responding with enough adrenaline but he did his best to run away.

The spider seemed to have noticed that one of its prey was still alive as it completely turned its massive body in his direction and let out a deafening screech,


Ceaser didn't have the time to cover his ears but the sound waves were strong enough to make him dizzy. He fought the urge to just drop unconsciousness right there since he knew, if he fell now he would be meeting that deity in that void in no time.

"Run...come on, come on!" Ceaser hit his numb legs which were quite shaky because of the injuries inflicted on him earlier.

Neither Ceaser have his weapon nor the strength to face the calamity, so such in case, all he could have done was,

"HELLLLLLPPPP!" Shout for help.

He was running in a criss-cross pattern, to keep his figure hidden by the trees. But he was being too hopeful of hiding when he was shouting at the limit of his lungs.


Something dropped from the sky and the liquid splattered around—nearly tainting Ceaser's left boot as well.

"Holy....shit!" Ceaser exclaimed upon seeing the ground and the tree decaying under the acidic attack of the spider.

His legs now were no longer numb as Ceaser hastened his pace towards what seemed like a big boulder to take cover


Another shot and it was closer to him. Ceaser covered his face but the splattering of that spit caught his arm and right lower body.

"Agh! It burns..." Gritting his teeth Ceaser cursed aloud and turned around to look at the giant spider.

Seeing it coming in his direction, Ceaser erased the thoughts of running. He knew he couldn't outmatch those long legs despite how much he tried, then why not try facing it for the sake of his rebirth?

"I hope this works...' Picking a wooden stick from the ground and attaching it to his hip like he is sheathing a sword, as Ceaser saw the spider's hurried legs in his direction.

Heaving a long breath, he focused on his heart.

The adrenaline has kept his heart pumping probably at the same rate as when he felt it when got shot dead.

The spider lunged, one of its hairy, tree-thick legs swinging toward him. Ceaser's eyes sharpened.

Taking a deep breath, he lunged forward, his figure disappearing in a streak of light as some words escaped his throat,

"Second Step: Quick Silver."

The stick cleaved through the spider's leg as if it were a razor-sharp sword, slicing through the thick, chitinous armor. A hissing screech filled the air as the severed leg fell to the ground, twitching.

Smokes erupted from Ceaser's body once he came to rest and while huffing he looked at the severed leg of the spider.

A smirk bloomed on his face, as he spat, "Serves you ri-huh?" However, that smirk was wiped off when suddenly that leg turned into ashes and the beast regenerated its leg faster than Ceaser could have cursed.



A/N:- Run boy run.