Chapter 7- Letter

Silence ensued in the common hall as Abeth lay in the pool of his blood, dead and gone.

Alex stood there, finally feeling a little relieved after accumulating so much stress. The only reason Alex hunted down the bastard was because he was pissed about being tricked into that forest. And it was the least he could have done to the previous owner of the body.

A professor ran to stand before Alex and scolded him, "You do know what you did just now, right? Murder!"

The blue-haired Professor's voice echoed throughout the hall, and the ones who were in support of the Vice-headmaster rejoiced at the sight.

Alex frowned, but before he could have said anything, someone stepped in,

"Oh, in my opinion, he saved a student just now, Professor Murrey, no?" The violet-haired lady held a certain edge to her voice that made Murrey hold his breath and step back reflexively.

Jullie was one of the strongest teachers in the academy and someone who attained the title of Honorary Knight just at the age of twenty. That's why when the Soulless appeared, she was the first person to take action.

Murrey clenched his fist and spat, "There are rules and laws which everyone must follow! And Alex is no exception to it-"

"Will you say that even in front of Your Majesty?" This time it was Hector who sided with Alex, completely astonishing and silencing the blue-haired.

Taking a pause, and after ascertaining that every eye was on him, Hector added, "It's within the law to damage or kill anyone who tries to harm a royalty. And I think Alex would not be held as a culprit because of that law."

No more whispers could be heard, and silence was the only thing that prevailed.

Hector looked around before announcing, "In the face of those who have wrongfully accused Alex of being an evil worshipper, I declare him innocent. For his unwavering bravery, he shall be rewarded with any wish he desires."

Alex raised his brows; not expecting the reward. However, who can say no to gifts?

"Um-Alex-" Just as Celestria walked towards him, wanting to say something, Alex stepped forward and asked the Headmaster,

"Sir, if possible then can I ask for the breakfast a little early? I am starving." He held his stomach to show how hungry he was.

Hector chuckled before telling him, "Return to your room; I will send medicine and food there."

Alex nodded before he shared a glance with Jullie and soon walked out of the common hall.

Celestria was standing at the same spot with her hand raised, watching Alex's retreating figure in silence.

She couldn't believe horrible she was.

She blamed him and accused him of a crime which he never committed. And last night, she said so many awful things.

The very person he trusted and adored, and the one for whom he got deceived was none other than her. And now, when she had the chance to repay his kindness, all she did was cast blame and shout at him.

Tears welled in her eyes, as she covered her mouth in frustration and regret.

Edric stood behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, Cela...everything will be alright."


After leaving the common hall, Alex used his memories to guide himself to his dorm room.

He was sucking his finger which got injured previously.

The reason why Alex ran away was that to activate his mythical arts, which he learned back on Earth, he needs to bring an adrenaline rush and heat his body enough that sudden jerk or movement doesn't end up tearing his muscles.

He has faced severe consequences because of it in the past. And it took him a whole year to come up with the strategy.

That's why when he was given the chance to reincarnate into this world, he was excited to overcome this drawback. However, he has yet to feel any difference-

"Shit!" Now Alex realised that he still had the anklet around his ankle, which prohibited his soul energy.

It has been over twelve hours since his rebirth, and Alex has yet to feel his fucking soul energy.

'Agh...this is annoying.' Listening to his stomach growling he first returned to his dorm.

The whole fort was spread over a wide area, surrounded by forest and guarded by the imperial knights

The medieval design gives so much fantasy taste.

He really wanted to go sightseeing around the place, but then again, nothing beats the craving for some much-needed food.

Thanks to the previous owner's memories, Alex reached his room without much trouble, and outside the dormitory, he found a person standing with a first aid box and a tray of food, waiting for him.

Alex instantly took the tray from the person and pushed open the door

"Come in," He said as he picked a brea stick and instantly stuffed it inside his mouth.

The school nurse gestured for him to sit down, and Alex followed her words.

Once sat, Alex continued to eat with his right hand while his left one was healed by the nurse.

" magic required." She muttered to herself, seeing that the injury was not that bad. She took out some antiseptic fluid and used a cotton ball to apply it to his wound.

After finishing the soup and breadsticks, Alex casually asked her, "Whom can I meet to get this damn thing removed?" While lifting his leg, he asked.

The nurse raised her brows before she rested her hand against his anklet and pushed some soul energy into the artefact.


The restraint lost its illumination and fell off his ankle, surprising Alex.

" you also have the authority huh?"

The school nurse smiled, "I am one of the most loyal employees working for twenty years for this academy."

Alex was surprised, "What is your age, ma'am?"

The nurse frowned and pressed the cotton a little rough before saying, "You shouldn't ask a lady about her age."

Alex smirked, "You brought it upon yourself. Well, whatever..." He returned to his food, devouring the meat like it was the last piece left in the world.

The nurse checked for any other injuries, but was thoroughly surprised to see none, urging her to ask, "Weren't you...gravely injured last night? Did someone feed you a healing potion?"

Alex shrugged, "You think someone will risk their job to try to help a suspect?"

The nurse was still having a hard time believing his words, however, before she could say anything someone arrived in the room,

"Can I talk to him for a minute?" Both Alex and the nurse turned towards the door and found the familiar violet-haired professor standing there.

Since the nurse inspected him thoroughly, she got up and said, "Sure."

Alex continued to eat the food..which was about to end or he would have surely asked the lady.

Jullie didn't look like she wanted to have something as she sat down across Alex and took out a letter from her pocket.

Taking a long breath she said, "I didn't want to tell you this so soon when you just went through your trial...but I am leaving for the capital today and might not return this here you go." She sounded unnaturally tense when she handed the letter.

Actually, she received the letter early in the morning and wanted to give it to Alex once he rested enough and got emotionally stable.

The reason? The letter was from Alex's parents.

They....are disowning him.


A/N:- I hope you all are liking the story so far. I will increase the word count slowly.