Chapter 10- Disappointed

To earn Soul Points, he has only two ways: earn from another soul user or hunt down beasts and refine their soul stones.

However, the second step is costly since refining soul stones requires a few pieces of equipment, which, as a student and the son of a gardener, Alex surely couldn't have afforded.

Alex knows how to refine soul stones, and what equipment he would need for different grades of stone refining; however, he lacks gold.

He didn't have much time. In about six months, when the decree from the heavens descends, everywhere people would begin to stock up their resources and start selecting the individuals they would be sending to the contest.

There would be a big tournament between nations to select the best warriors in existence. The first step for Alex was to become strong enough to become one of the ten contestants.

And for that, he needed to find someone with whom he could fight and earn Soul points.

"Okay students, line up. We will be having a mock battle now."

Alex lined up just like others since, through mock battles, he could gain Soul points. The only difference between spars and real battles is that, in a real battle one doesn't get restricted on the amount of Soul points they could spend.

But here, every student was told to only fight within the range of safety.

Partners are paired up randomly and the one Alex was going against was not a named character. However, through Alex's memories, he remembered this man.

Aiden Halestorm. The son of the renowned swordmaster who served for the King as his knight and also, was involved in two major wars.

In the Academy, he was known to be the best weapon user, and if not for Edric's presence, Aiden might have shone even more.

He also possesses a short teleportation skill that allows him to teleport through a short distance. The limits of his skill are unknown, and adding up the fact that he has his own sword art makes him a very difficult opponent for 'Alex'.

Alex looked at the dark green-haired boy who had a lean frame and sturdy shoulders. His eyes were covered with a white fabric, possibly because he trains his senses all the time. The anklet and titan bands he wears around his ankles and wrists are also a part of his muscle training.

Alex was actually excited about his battle with a fellow swordsman. However, for now, it was time to see the Protagonist fight.

In the arena, two people stood. One of the most famous and honoured students of the academy. On the other side was a potential heroine, the daughter of the Commanding General in the Royal Order, and the girl who looks at Edric as her rival—Valarie Hornblade.

The girl had short red hair that rested on her shoulder and a pair of sharp and fierce red eyes. Her personality within or outside the arena remains the same. Being very fond of her father she always aims to become as great as him.

Within a year, she has challenged Edric for more than three hundred times and only won twice.

Today, Alex has the opportunity to closely study the two contenders of becoming the chosen ones.

'Should be interesting...'


Edric, once again, was matched up with Valarie. He didn't know if this was some kind of bloody coincidence or if the administration wanted them to fight, but he was already tired of facing the same enemy again and again.

"What the hell with that expression of yours! Be more energetic for this, will ya?!" Her roar echoed through the arena and made Edric frown.

Haah, she is loud as ever

Unlike in the past, the students were allowed to take real weapons of their choice. The Vice-Headmaster forbade any lethal weapon to enter the arena and exchanged all of them with a wooden arsenal. However, under the Headmaster's control, the old way of battling has returned.

A safety artefact was attached to students' collars that will protect them from any lethal attacks.

Was there a risk? Yes, definitely. But considering Alex and the others were already in their third year, it was necessary for them to have some real battle experience.

Valarie wielded a giant battle axe, held firmly in her grip with ease. Her wide shoulders and defined arms were a testament to the rigorous training she had gone through.

On the other hand, Edric wore a pair of steel knuckles as he urged, "Show me how much you have improved."

Once the teachers ensured that both sides were ready, he declared, "Start!"

Hearing that, Edric flexed his fists, steel knuckles glinting in the sunlight. He charged first, closing the distance fast. Valarie swung her battle axe, aiming to cut him off. Edric ducked low, dodging the blade and landing a quick jab to her side. Valarie stumbled, but she didn't let up, spinning with her axe to strike again.

The axe sliced through the air, but Edric sidestepped, his knuckles flashing as he landed a heavy blow on her shoulder. Valarie gritted her teeth and swung back with a brutal overhead slash. Edric caught the shaft of her axe with both hands, muscles bulging, and twisted, trying to rip it from her grip.

Valarie held on, but Edric's strength was overwhelming. With a sharp kick to her knee, Edric knocked her off balance and shoved her back. The crowd gasped as Valarie hit the ground, her axe skidding out of reach. Edric stood over her, knuckles ready for the finishing strike.

Valarie lost her control, and flames came to life around her. Her body was enveloped in fiery flames as she clenched her fist and was ready to deliver a blow with enough ferocity to send Edric into a coma.

However, just as everyone expected, her flames subdued as soon as they appeared, as Edric's eyes shone faintly, signifying he was using his infamous skill, 'Mystic Bind'.

Valarie was left with her vulnerable self once again, her eyes glaring at Edric; however, the latter didn't seem on the same wavelength as he extended his hand and asked, "Shall we call it a match?"

Valarie scoffed before taking his hand, "You know you can't win against my flames, right?"

Edric chuckled, "Absolutely, that's why I extinguish as soon as I see them."

Valarie rolled her eyes as she found her Soul Energy dropping, while Edric didn't care about his stats. He had enough in reserve to lose over ten battles yet not drop below his average.

On the sidelines, Alex was somehow disappointed with Valarie's performance...or maybe it was because Edric overwhelming abilities and battle IQ that he made the battle look one-sided

'Regardless, I need to study Edric as much as I can....'

"Next! Alex and Aiden, step inside the arena."


A/N:- Thanks for reading.