Chapter 27- Bitter

"What makes this technique strong, old man?" Ceaser asked the man who was currently applying a bandage to Ceaser's charred left hand.

Using the third stance constantly injures him, and by now, Ceaser has become immune to pain. Mostly.

The first stance was the easiest to learn. The second one, Quicksilver, was taking ages, so the old man suggested moving on and starting training the third stance.

However, never Ceaser expected to actually imitate the old man so closely and even get his arm almost burst into pulp after his first attempt.

After that, the damage was reduced, but the backlash showed no sign of disappearance.

The white bearded old man continued to wrap the bandage as he spoke, "Every stance you have learned and you will learn has devastating strength…something that can bisect mountains. You are just proficient in using the third stance from the get-go and other ones need some time to reach their original strength."