Chapter 42- Cela's Diary: 1

It was at that time when Celestria returned to her home after the whole incident with Abeth.

She was told to rest a few days in the capital since knowing that a teacher was lusting over her must be too traumatic for her. Her parents also said that if she wanted, she could drop this year and resume her classes next year.

However, that wasn't the case. She wasn't that affected by Abeth that she would run away from the Academy. And knowing that Abeth was dead now, helped her to be rest assured.

However, all the facts relating to Abeth were the second priority on her list since the main reason she took some days off was that she was concerned about someone else.


After she talked to Professor Jullie that evening when she and the Headmaster came with her to the Capital, Celestria realized something. She has to be courageous with her approach and apologize to Alex.