Chapter 63- Fangs and Steel(2)

"Ah!" Celestria woke up from her sleep—an audible exclaim leaving her lips.

Her breathing was unsteady, proof of the unsettling dream she just had. Sweat accumulated on her pale forehead as she stared at the duvet in a daze; unable to discern what she just saw and where she was, for a few moments.

A foreboding sensation disturbed her sleep and pushed her to look at her wrist where the beacon she planted.

She felt...danger. Alex is surrounded by danger, and Celestria is not able to help him. The intuition was so vivid that she had to double-check if the beacon was signalling anything. Fortunately, it wasn't.

'He is with the people of Steelhound...although they are infamous for their wild hunting style, I hope they keep you safe...' Joining her hands in prayer, Celestria requested every god in existence to take care of her best friend.
