Chapter 67- Fangs and Steel(6)

Alex was aware of the difference between himself and his opponent. Someone who is even a noble ranked Vampire couldn't damage; what could Alex do to such a being?

But was it enough to make him surrender and throw away his life?

Alex wrapped the torn sleeve around his injured shoulder with the Terminator dagger held between his teeth—he named the special dagger that prevents regeneration as Terminator dagger.

With the dagger still pressed between his teeth, Alex summoned one of the swords which he received from the Prince as a reward. It was a classic double-edged silver-blade sword with a length of forty-five inches.

The blade shone under the moonlight as Alex gazed at the wolf with hunger. The hunger for blood and battle.

He retained his composure and lunged into action—his figure becoming a blur as he sped towards the hunt.