Chapter 112- First hunt

There is only a single person in this world who knows his real name: Sarah. However, he has told her not to call him by his name and, most importantly, never leave a trail that could let others know about his previous life.

The first reaction he had upon seeing his name was, "It's not Alex written here...why do you think it is for me?" He asked the Princess, who had yet to stop smiling.

She casually responded, "I just felt like it was meant for you. Now excuse me, my mother is waiting for me." Without providing any believable response or waiting to let him finish, she got up and walked away.

Rebecca looked at Alex with a frown and asked, "What happened? Is the letter not addressed to you?"

Alex didn't reply to her instantly. Rather, he got up and said, "Let me read it first before I could tell." Rebecca didn't follow him as Alex walked towards the window and carefully tore the envelope from the head end.