Chapter 133- The tool, he once was

There was something Edric realized seeing the man with long pale yellow hair and droopy eyes, and that is: he is incredibly strong.

Maybe because of his elven traits he could sense the vast amount of Soul Energy the man was suppressing. And the way he moved back then and easily suppressed Alex was quite significant evidence.

They were brought to a tree house nearby and Alex was laid down on a bed to rest. He was suffering from a high fever, so the Saintess chanted a basic healing spell on him, and the old man provided cold water and pads.

"Who are you?" Amanda finally broke the ice that had been building ever since they decided to follow him.

And the only reason they followed him was because of what he said earlier.

"You know about Alex's curse, no?" Sarah added, a frown contouring her face. She was the first person, unexpectedly, who agreed to follow him.