Chapter 138- Did you miss me?

There was a blooming smile on Rebecca's face all the way as she returned to her home.

Finally, there was some hope for her to become one with Alex.

Her hard work paid off, and Alex was ready to give her a chance to prove her love to him

'I just need to achieve what he asked me to...' Until now, she has never been so determined to progress her skills. However, the reason she got so motivated now was unprecedented and extremely significant.

"I am home!" She entered the mansion and loudly announced her arrival.

The first person to meet her was her younger brother, "Hello, Ark."

The bespectacled teenager raised his brows as he asked, "Where were you?" The last time she appeared in Chainedvale, she didn't even return to her home; that's why it has been a while since she was home.

Rebecca grinned as she informed, "Was spending my holidays with some friends."