Chapter 153- Origin changed

"But who is going to turn her into a vampire?" In a state of panic, rather than rejecting such an offer, Alex asked how it could be possible.

He couldn't lose someone close to him again. Someone who cares for him…he won't let them die like this again.

He couldn't prevent his mother's death since she was already beyond help when he reached her, but right now, there was a hope that he could save his teacher.

Natasha said, "The blood ritual. Along with mine, a human's blood needs to be fed."

"Can you do it?" He urgently asked, the breathing of the woman was turning fainter by the second.

Natasha nodded before she instantly moved back and found a clearing amidst the broken mess.

She drew her blood and began to draw on the ground while chanting something under her breath.

Alex hugged Jullie closely and continued to whisper, 'Everything would be all right...just hang in there...'