Chapter 166- Berserk(End)

Spirits are whimsical beings, who seek attention.

They always try to get in contact with those who can see them. Want to play with them. Want to share their emotions. The most entertaining part for them is influencing the real world through their host.

Liriel could tell that someone(a spirit user) allowed their emotions to influence their actions. They relayed their anger to the spirits, and those emotions resulted in them going berserk all of a sudden.

"It's bad....spirits attract spirits. If they can't get them under control, the whole city would get burned." Liriel muttered under her breath as she saw the group of humans trying to fight the spiritual being who was running havoc.

Trying to destroy a being that was made out of pure elements wouldn't be an easy job. Unless a Saint-ranked mage doesn't join the battle and freeze down the monster, nothing would change.