Chapter 50: Tighten your seat belt!

It was 5:00 in the evening, and Kira felt more alive than ever. Something had shifted inside him after fucking Aki's brains out. Watching her covered in his cum, all her holes still trying desperately to hold onto every drop, awakened something primal in him. He craved more. He needed more women to fuck.

But let's be real—it wasn't like he forced her into it. Aki was begging for it. He was just teasing her at first, testing how far she'd go, but she turned out to be such a slut. Once she got a taste, she was all in, and Kira? Well, he was more than happy to oblige.

After that, Kira felt freer than ever. For days, he'd been stuck in a mental rut, unsure what to do. He was already too powerful, his women were safe, and he didn't have any friends or ties on Earth worth sticking around for. No purpose, no direction. But now? Now things were clear. His desires had sharpened.

And that little side-quest for Aki? That was just the cherry on top. He had enough points to unlock the first world of his choice, and he had the freedom to choose where to go next.


Even with Aki, it wasn't just about the food anymore. Somewhere along the line, her hunger had twisted into something raw, primal—something she didn't even notice herself. Hell, Kira wouldn't have either if it hadn't been for the system giving him a Quest right in the middle of their filthy play.

It spiraled from there, fast. Kira discovered a whole new side to himself, one that craved domination, control, and a thirst for blood and violence.

The system? Oh, it loved it when he got like this. Generous rewards poured in, points worth millions. All those years he'd been playing it safe, only using a fraction of his power, while the rest of the system gathered dust because of his own self-imposed restraints. He realized he'd been holding himself back—being too soft. The system had been nudging him all along with little quests, trying to get him out of his complacency. But it was his own fault. After marrying his wives, he got lazy, hardly fucking them like he used to, and just indulging in his lust without action.

But now? Now it clicked—he needed to keep those women in line by fucking them senseless. Get them knocked up, round-bellied with his kids, waiting for him to come home.

"Heh," he chuckled darkly, already picturing his harem, swollen with his children, eagerly waiting for him.

But that would come later. For now, he pulled on his combat suit—minus the pants, of course. Couldn't have them restricting him. Picking up Aki, who was passed out from sheer pleasure, he carried her down to the apartment.

A former idol and actress, a woman who'd never even glance at him before the world went to hell, was now nothing but a begging, cum-dripping mess.

He opened the door with one hand, carrying her inside like she weighed nothing, and headed straight for the bathroom. He gave her a quick rinse, washing off the evidence of their session, then laid her down in his bed. On the table next to her, he left a note along with the slave collar from the system.

The message was clear: If you want to be mine, wear this collar. I'll fuck you stupid every day—and maybe even harder.

Before leaving, he planted a soft kiss on her lips, a reminder that despite everything, he wasn't completely heartless—just ruled by lust.


One hours later…

Kira crouched 300 meters from the Takagi estate, scoping it out through his binoculars. The guards patrolled the perimeter, and he spotted some shady-looking survivors huddled near the mansion. He scanned the upper floors—curtains drawn for light, but no sign of movement.

"Where the hell did they go…?" he muttered, wondering if Saya's parents had moved the group somewhere.

Just then, a mini-bus rolled up and stopped in front of the mansion. A man stepped out—skinny, rat-like, with triangle-shaped glasses and a twisted grin.

"Shido…" Kira hissed. That slimy piece of shit—he was the reason Rei Miyamoto had to repeat a grade.

Kira's fingers twitched, waiting for the EMP blast. He wasn't here to be the hero. He had his own agenda—women. Boosting his image among them with a well-timed rescue act was just a side bonus.

As he watched, Rei came storming out of the mansion, makeshift spear in hand, aimed right at Shido's throat. Her boobs bounced with each step, her short skirt doing a piss-poor job of covering anything. A little gust of wind and everything would be on display.

From his position, Kira could already see the chaos about to hit. He was holed up in a nearby warehouse, prepped and ready for when the EMP blast came.

When he was done watching, he pulled out his SUV from the inventory, sunroof large enough for two. Full tank of gas. He double-checked before putting it away again.

His twin swords were strapped to his back, knives secured on his thighs, and two guns sat comfortably at his waist.


Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He rushed to the window just in time to see a blinding flash fill the sky, casting long, eerie shadows. The EMP had hit. Silence followed, and then…the distant groans of the undead.

Kira's grin widened. Time to play.

Pulling the SUV back out, he hopped inside and started the engine without a care. The noise would attract zombies, but that was part of the fun. He sped toward the Takagi estate. The clock read 6:30 PM.

Chaos awaited him as he neared the estate. Screams, gunfire, the sickening sounds of flesh being torn apart, humans turning into zombies—total bedlam.

At the wide-open gates, Saeko stood tall in her purple yukata, her toned legs bare, her huge tits barely held in by the fabric. Her deep cleavage was practically begging for attention. In her hands was the copy of Murasame he'd given her, slicing through zombies like it was nothing.

Beside her, Rei, still in her school uniform, wielded a spear that looked like it was about to fall apart. Her short skirt barely covered anything—her ass cheeks almost hanging out, and her panties clearly outlining her pussy lips. Her shirt was torn, her breasts nearly spilling free.

A third woman stood with them—older, but still stunning. Her dark purple-pink hair cascaded down her shoulders, eyes sharp and dangerous. She wore a tight one-piece dress that barely covered her massive tits, her nipples poking through the fabric in the low light. Her skirt was ripped for better mobility, showing off her thick thighs. She held two guns, firing alongside Saeko and Rei.

Kira slammed the horn, grabbing everyone's attention. The loud noise attracted more zombies, leaving the fighters momentarily vulnerable.


[ Saeko POV ]

Saeko's thoughts ran wild as she watched the chaos unfold around her, zombies falling by the dozens under her blade. The slickness of blood on her sword, the wails of the dead, the destruction—all of it resonated with something deep within her. It stirred something primal.

Her sword cut through another zombie's neck, the flesh parting like butter, and a thrill surged up her spine.

"I'm not a monster," she whispered to herself, trying to deny the feeling. But then, she thought of him—Kira. He had shown her that embracing her true self wasn't something to fear.

Before meeting Kira, she had despised herself, convinced she was unworthy of love because of the darkness she harbored. But with every moment since the world turned upside down, her ideals shattered, and everything she once believed was crushed beneath the weight of survival.

The apocalypse had stripped away her old notions of right and wrong, revealing the raw truth. Society's morals were flimsy; they only served to hold people back. She had learned this the hard way on that bridge—when they had appeared.

The hoards.

Relentless, mindless, driven by nothing but a need to consume. And with them came the realization that restraint was a prison. Society's rules, its norms—those were for the weak, for the fragile. The real strength came from embracing who you truly were. She had denied that for so long, living like a doll, trying to fit the mold of what she thought a proper woman should be.

But the real monsters weren't the undead—they were the humans who clung to their facades, hiding behind flimsy morals while secretly craving chaos. Saeko had been one of them, holding herself back, envying the carefree lives of normal girls. But when everything fell apart, it was those "normal" people who crumbled first.

Saeko smirked at the memory, her blade slashing through yet another corpse.

And then there was him. Kira.

He was different. He was everything she wasn't—unapologetic, wild, completely in tune with his desires. His presence had been overwhelming, crashing into her life like a storm. At first, she couldn't make sense of him. One moment he was laughing, the next, cutting down zombies with a precision and ease that left her in awe. And then, as casually as breathing, he'd shut Saya's boasts down without missing a beat, his words sharp and unfiltered. He said exactly what he thought—something Saeko had never been able to do.

Even when his eyes roamed over their bodies, lingering on her curves, she didn't feel disgusted. It wasn't lust in the traditional sense; it felt more like... appreciation. He saw her—not just her body, but everything about her. And when he had handed her that katana, urging her not to fear her true self, she felt something click. His words had been like honey to her ears, sweet and freeing.

Now, she wanted more.

She wanted him.

And that's why, as the world descended into darkness, she couldn't help but laugh to herself. Fate seemed to be playing right into her hands because, just like yesterday, he arrived—his SUV still functioning, unlike every other vehicle that had been rendered useless. The world had stopped, yet he kept moving. His mere presence was enough to draw the undead to him like moths to a flame.

Saeko's pulse quickened as his blue eyes locked onto hers, scanning her entire body in a split second. She felt the heat pooling inside her, a heat that had been simmering ever since she'd first laid eyes on him. Her blade never slowed, cutting down more zombies as her thoughts raced.

He was the one who had awakened this side of her—the one she had kept hidden for so long. And now, he had to take responsibility.

"I won't lose to any other woman," Saeko thought, a small, wicked grin tugging at her lips. Strong men were always lustful, but she wasn't worried. No matter how many women Kira had, she would make sure he became addicted to her.

Her gaze met his once more, and in that brief moment, she knew one thing for certain—Kira was hers, and nothing in this broken world could stop her from claiming him.


A/N : Hmp! There were many complaints about loose writing, so... I thought 🤔 why not tighten it.