Chapter 1 White Eyes Degeneration? Sorry, That’S An Illusion

**Konoha Hospital, Ministry of Education**

Tsunade sat on the chair, casually crossing her legs, holding the application materials in her hand while curiously observing the distinctive eyes of Hyuga Shigeru.

"Hyuga Shigeru, you quit your ninja team due to the deterioration of your bloodline and applied to join the medical department to study. Do you want to become a medical ninja?"

"Yes, I want to become a medical ninja and find a cure for the bloodline degradation," Shigeru explained calmly.

In the entire ninja world, medical ninjas were always in short supply, even in Konoha, which placed a strong emphasis on their training. Naturally, Tsunade was pleased that someone voluntarily applied to study in the medical department.

The only regret was that the applicant was from the Hyuga clan and suffering from bloodline degradation.

Tsunade pointed out, "Can you tell me about your eyes?"

She was curious why, despite the bloodline degradation, Shigeru's eyes looked different from others. His blue pupils, with a black spot in the center, resembled a shining blue star—beautiful and mysterious.

Shigeru replied calmly, "I was injured during a mission with my team. After the injury, my eyes became sensitive to light and my vision blurred. After receiving treatment, the bloodline degradation began."

Many believed that Shigeru's Byakugan was simply degenerating, but they had no idea that this so-called degeneration was, in fact, evolution!

This change had its roots before Shigeru's unexpected journey through time.

In his original world, Shigeru and his best friend were playing a mobile game based on *Naruto*. Three days before the game launched, there was a recharge promotion. By spending 648, players could enter a lottery with a high chance of drawing rare items.

Shigeru, eager for the reward, paid the money and, to his surprise, drew the Tenseigan on his first try.

However, just as he was about to share his luck with his best friend, dizziness struck him. His vision darkened, and he collapsed unconscious on his sofa.

When he woke up, Shigeru found himself in the world of *Naruto*.

After recovering from his injuries and experiencing the first "fetal movement" of the Tenseigan, Shigeru quit his ninja team, citing bloodline degradation, and applied to study in the medical department.

"I've approved your application. You'll start your studies tomorrow. For now, focus on your medical training and try to put aside concerns about your bloodline degradation," Tsunade instructed.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama," Shigeru replied, feeling a sense of relief.

The reason he applied to study as a medical ninja was simple: he didn't want to fight for his clan or the so-called Will of Fire. Once he became a medical ninja and worked at Konoha Hospital, the Hyuga clan couldn't force him to take on clan-related missions or village assignments.

Medical ninjas were also highly respected and well-compensated in the ninja world, making it a stable profession.

After leaving the hospital, Shigeru bought some non-fading paint, drawing boards, paper, and other materials before heading home.

The Hyuga clan's housing layout was unique. The residences were arranged in concentric circles, with the clan leader's courtyard at the center, surrounded by the homes of other clan members and branch family leaders. The further from the center, the lower the family's status.

Shigeru lived in one of the more remote areas.

After returning home, he closed the door and took a bottle of green paint into the bathroom.

When Shigeru removed his forehead protector, his forehead appeared to bear the Caged Bird curse mark. However, this was merely a drawn-on disguise—the actual curse mark had disappeared after the first "fetal movement" of his Tenseigan. The paint at home had a tendency to fade, so Shigeru had bought new, more durable paint to maintain the illusion.

He also bought drawing materials to make people believe he was learning to draw.

The Tenseigan needed to undergo three fetal movements to fully stabilize. During these times, Shigeru couldn't use its power and had to hide away to avoid detection. Luckily, he could attribute his symptoms to the supposed "bloodline degradation."

Although his clan looked at him differently now—losing the Byakugan meant losing both status and value—Shigeru wasn't bothered. The Hyuga clan's rigid, oppressive system held no appeal for him. Once he became a medical ninja, he planned to move out.

He didn't care what the clan thought, but he refused to be looked down upon or treated unfairly.

After carefully repainting the Caged Bird mark on his forehead, Shigeru inspected it in the mirror, satisfied. "Perfect!"

Next, he went into the yard to train. He ignored the Gentle Fist techniques and focused instead on chakra control—an essential skill for a medical ninja.

He had no intention of mastering Gentle Fist. When the Tenseigan's three fetal movements were complete, he would possess enough power to reshape his destiny without needing clan techniques.

Climbing trees and walking on water, typical chakra control exercises, were easy for him. However, this was just the beginning. He needed to refine his control further if he wanted to become a competent medical ninja.

Early the next morning, Shigeru packed a lunch and brought notebooks and pens to record notes. He headed to Konoha Hospital, where Tsunade would assign him his tasks.

Shortly after arriving, Tsunade appeared, yawning with slightly messy hair.

"Here are some books. Read them and tell me how skilled you are at chakra control afterward. I'm exhausted, so I won't be teaching you today," Tsunade said before promptly falling asleep on the table.

Tsunade was going to be his teacher?

Shigeru hadn't expected to be under the tutelage of one of the best. Well, at this point, Tsunade wasn't yet a legendary Sannin, but she was still a highly skilled medical ninja.

The books Tsunade had given him were clearly meant for beginners like him, so Shigeru found a corner, sat down, and started reading.

The introduction covered the basics of being a medical ninja, followed by different chakra control exercises and their classifications. Tree-climbing and water-walking were just the starting points.


Shigeru realized he had already surpassed the basic requirements for medical training. Since his Tenseigan had partially awakened, his chakra control had improved significantly.

Resisting the urge to wake Tsunade, he continued studying.

Time flew by, and before he knew it, the entire morning had passed. Shigeru had been engrossed in his books, while Tsunade had slept the whole time.

As she finally stirred, Shigeru couldn't help but notice the water stains on the table from her drooling.

Tsunade-hime, where's your dignity and image?

If only he had a camera to capture this moment—Tsunade's less-than-flattering nap could be quite the keepsake.


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**End of Chapter**