Chapter 4 Hello, My Name Is Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina

In the living room with the doors and windows closed, Shigeru, whose face was covered with a silk scarf, sat quietly on a chair.

The second fetal movement of the reincarnated eye came a bit suddenly, so Shigeru had to ask someone to send a letter to Tsunade, asking her to ask for leave on his behalf, as he needed to recuperate for a while.

Shigeru couldn't be sure how long it would take. He would stay at home and rest until the second fetal movement of the reincarnated eye was over.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Hyuga Shigeru!"

A knock on the door woke Shigeru from his wandering thoughts. His mind returned to the present, and he stepped forward and opened the door.

Although his eyes were blindfolded, his strong mental power and perception meant that even though Shigeru couldn't see, it wouldn't cause much inconvenience to his life.

Tsunade was not alone—she had a child with her. This chakra, no, chakra of this magnitude... was not something ordinary people could possess.

The child, coupled with the immense vitality of this chakra, which was difficult for ordinary people to match, and considering the timing, Shigeru quickly guessed the identity of the other person.

Uzumaki Kushina!

Tsunade had brought her here personally. As Tsunade looked at him, blindfolded, she remarked with surprise:

"I thought you Hyugas wouldn't be able to move around much, but I didn't expect you to get around so freely."

Shigeru let them in and replied, "Though I can't see, with the help of smell, hearing, and perception, life remains relatively normal. As for my work at Konoha Hospital, that has to be temporarily put on hold."

As they entered the house, Tsunade looked around at the layout, while Kushina followed closely behind, curiously examining everything like a little child.

"I'll handle things at the hospital. You just need to rest and recover."

Tsunade waved her hand dismissively and, pulling Kushina to sit on the sofa, added with some concern, "But your eyes…"

"It's just a small side effect. They'll recover in due time."

Shigeru smiled at Tsunade reassuringly and nodded toward Kushina.

"H-Hello, my name is Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina."

Kushina stood up subconsciously, introducing herself to Shigeru.

"Hyuga, nice to meet you."

At this time, the village leaders were cautious about letting outsiders contact Kushina, but since Tsunade brought her, there was no issue.

"My little Kushina here is such a lovely girl," Tsunade teased, stretching the words "lovely girl" mischievously.

Kushina, who had been staring at Shigeru curiously, turned bright red and stomped her foot in protest. "Tsunade-sister, what are you saying?"


Even though he couldn't see, Shigeru could tell from the teasing tone that Tsunade was being playful.

"Ahaha," Tsunade laughed.

Kushina blushed in embarrassment, which only amused Tsunade more.

But before pushing Kushina too far, Tsunade stopped herself and changed the topic: "By the way, I brought you some food since you can't see. Rice balls, meatballs, and…"

These aren't things I enjoy. You might as well have brought me some ingredients to cook for myself, Shigeru thought. Even though he was blindfolded, it didn't stop him from cooking.

He was quite particular about his food, especially when it came to rice balls. Meatballs weren't something he liked much either.

"You can keep them for yourself. If you really want to help, maybe bring me some fresh vegetables," Shigeru suggested, waving off her offering.

Tsunade, a little surprised, asked, "You can still cook for yourself?"

Shigeru shrugged modestly. "It's manageable. I don't think it affects the taste much. Would you like to try it?"



Kushina was so embarrassed by Tsunade's excitement that she almost covered her face with her hands. She thought, Poor Shigeru-kun can't even see, yet Tsunade still expects him to cook. Isn't she just eating out and drinking all the time?

Half an hour later, the beef brisket stewed with potatoes was served, and Kushina, almost teary-eyed from delight, ate three large bowls.

"So delicious," she exclaimed.

"Belch!" Tsunade let out a loud burp, lounging lazily on the sofa. She had definitely eaten more than her fill.

Shigeru-kun is incredible, Tsunade thought. Even blindfolded, he can make food this good.

Kushina, meanwhile, gazed at Shigeru with newfound admiration.

After resting a bit, Tsunade sat up and rubbed her belly. "Shigeru, can you tell me more about the condition of your eyes? If you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

"At the moment, everything is under control. The only inconvenience is going out to buy supplies."

Shigeru shook his head. If he needed help, he wouldn't hesitate to ask Tsunade, knowing the favor might be returned one day.

"In the future, I'll pick up groceries for you after work," Tsunade offered generously.

"That's kind of you. Kushina, call me when you get home. I need a nap."

Feeling drowsy from the food and drink, Tsunade decided to nap right there, claiming a large, soft spot on Shigeru's sofa.

How rude, Shigeru thought with a laugh.

Kushina, embarrassed, explained, "Shigeru-kun, Tsunade-san had quite a bit to drink before coming here, so…"

Such a nice, thoughtful girl, Shigeru mused. He had almost forgotten that this sweet "Blood Red Pepper" had a fiery side.

"How do you find life in Konoha? When do you start ninja school?" Shigeru asked, changing the topic.

"It's not great," Kushina sighed. "I'm stuck with Grandma Mito, and I can't go anywhere. There's no one familiar around me."

As she spoke, her eyes reddened with the threat of tears.

Tsunade, listening from the sofa, smirked but kept her back to them, curious to see how Shigeru would handle the situation.

Shigeru listened quietly. When it seemed like Kushina was about to cry, he shook his head and said, "It's natural to feel lost when you're in a strange place without any sense of security."

"Even though I have my clan nearby, they're more like strangers to me than actual strangers."

"Huh?" Kushina blinked, her tears pausing mid-fall. Clan members, more distant than strangers?

Shigeru gestured toward his eyes with a self-deprecating smile. "In their eyes, I'm just someone suffering from a cursed bloodline limit, on the verge of losing our family's precious eye techniques. To them, I'm becoming useless."

"Shigeru-kun, you're not useless! You're so strong!"

Kushina, forgetting her sadness, came to Shigeru's defense. "Tsunade said you're incredibly talented. You learn ninjutsu and medical techniques that take others ages in just a few days. You're a genius! Your clan just doesn't see it."

"Perhaps," Shigeru replied with a soft smile. "But it doesn't bother me anymore. The coldness of my clan, their judgment—it's just background noise now.

If no one accepts me, I'll create my own path.

We have to look forward. People can't live trapped in the pain of the past."

"We have to look forward," Kushina repeated, the words echoing in her mind.