*Chapter 32 How About I Suffer A Little Loss And Pledge Myself To You?

Shizuo shook his finger at Tsunade: "As long as there are enough benefits, I think Hanzo, who has great ambitions, would not mind cooperating with Shimura Danzo once. With his strength, ordinary people can't stop him from sneaking into assassinations."

Danzo Shimura couldn't take action himself because the risk of exposure was too high. Once the news of the assassination of a fellow village ninja was leaked, he would never be able to live with it.

This is also why the Third Hokage does not allow him to borrow the power of the village, just because he is worried that Shimura Danzo will accidentally go too far.

Once it gets out of hand and Uzumaki Mito gets angry, the consequences will be severe.

Thus, seeking outside help became Shimura Danzo's only option.

Sansho Hanzo is the most suitable candidate, and Shigeru is at the border camp near the Land of Rain. The proximity makes it convenient for such a plan.

"Sansho Hanzo."

Tsunade frowned because this person was no ordinary shinobi. Known as a "demigod," his strength was enough to shake the ninja world.

To put it bluntly, Sansho Hanzo's power was definitely top-tier in the ninja world.

If he took action, Shigeru's situation would indeed be very dangerous.

Judging by Shigeru's strength on paper, it seemed very risky to face an assassination attempt from someone as powerful as Sansho Hanzo.

"I checked before leaving. Shimura Danzo claimed he had relapsed and was at home recuperating, but he may leave the village at any time to lobby foreign enemies to deal with you."

Recuperating? It was just an excuse to slip out of the village quietly.

As Tsunade finished the last bite of her food, she set the plate down and asked seriously:

"So, what's your plan? Are you thinking of being transferred back to the village?"


Shigeru immediately rejected the idea.

With Uzumaki Mito's influence, even if the Third Hokage wasn't pleased, he would likely honor her request to bring Shigeru back.

"Why not?"

Tsunade couldn't understand. If you know someone is targeting you, why refuse a safer option?

Shigeru replied thoughtfully, "Isn't there a chance that Shimura Danzo actually *wants* Mito-sama to bring me back?"

"Tsunade, people who excel at conspiracy are always thinking ahead. Someone like Shimura Danzo doesn't mind using underhanded tactics if it gets him what he wants."

While the Third Hokage would unwaveringly side with Uzumaki Mito, situations could still arise that Shimura Danzo could exploit.

"People's perceptions are tricky. Mito-sama's involvement could stir unnecessary noise or even create misunderstandings."

Hatake Sakumo's case was a prime example of public opinion gone wrong.

Tsunade looked conflicted, but Shigeru pressed on: "Mito-sama's status is special. Shimura Danzo wouldn't dare directly confront her, but *I* would be a different story."

"As long as I stay at the camp, Shimura Danzo won't have an easy time manipulating public opinion against me. And as for assassinating me, he'll first need to convince someone capable of doing it."

"After all, nobody's a fool. Without sufficient incentive, no one would take such a dangerous task just for the fun of it."

Sansho Hanzo was powerful, but certainly not foolish.

Without an enticing offer, why would Hanzo agree to help Shimura Danzo?

"If you were Sansho Hanzo, would you help Shimura Danzo for nothing?"

No one would do such a favor without proper compensation.

Tsunade shook her head.

"Exactly. So, do you think your safety is guaranteed for the time being?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes." Shigeru nodded confidently.

"Then, should we address what just happened earlier?" Tsunade asked with narrowed eyes as she walked to the door, locking it behind her.


What's she planning? Settling scores?


Shigeru attempted a defense: "Tsunade, you can't blame me for that. You threw the quilt over my head. I was holding the plate. I couldn't just let it drop."

"Then, what do you have to say for yourself? Did you enjoy the view?"

"Yes, it was quite nice."

Shigeru considered himself an honest person—if something was nice, he'd say so.


Tsunade, who was ready to lash out, found herself at a loss for words. Is Hyuga Shigeru really that straightforward?

"How about I make it up to you and pledge myself to you?"


"Hyuga Shigeru, you're dead meat!!"

"Wait, don't! Let's talk this out! Are you serious? I'm going to fight back!"

"Hold on, I'm still a kid! You can't do this!!"

Tsunade's roar echoed across the camp, startling everyone awake. The entire camp surged out of their huts and hurried toward the medical room.


While the others didn't recognize the voice, Sarutobi Mishima did. The sound was familiar, and after a moment, his expression changed as he called out to the crowd.

"Mishima, the medical room..." Honda started to say.

Sarutobi Mishima raised his hand, rubbing his face before speaking helplessly: "It's Tsunade-hime. I'm sure it's her. Let's go back to sleep. Everyone on duty, resume your posts. Let's not disturb them."

Tsunade-hime in the medical room? Her presence, along with Shigeru's shouting, led many in the camp to smirk knowingly. A few of the less reserved shinobi even chuckled, casting envious glances toward the medical hut.

"Ahem, except for those on duty, the rest of you should return to your huts. There's nothing to see here."

After dispersing the curious crowd, Honda pulled Sarutobi Mishima aside and whispered, "Are you sure it's Tsunade-hime? She and Shigeru..."

"Mind your own business and go back to your post."

Sarutobi Mishima had no interest in gossiping about this situation. If Honda couldn't keep quiet, Mishima knew he'd end up in trouble.

As the camp returned to its quiet state, the only people still on duty kept stealing glances toward the medical room, curious about what was happening inside.

"Tsunade, enough is enough. A kiss is one thing, but why are you biting me?"

Shigeru rubbed his lips, wincing at the small cut.

Tsunade licked her lips thoughtfully before shaking her head. "Doesn't seem like there's anything special about it. Maybe you're still too young?"

What the hell!!

Were it not for the mental restraints he imposed on himself, Shigeru would have taught her a lesson about self-control!

"Let's sleep!"

Pulling out a fresh quilt, Shigeru decided to ignore Tsunade, covering himself and getting ready to sleep. As for Tsunade, she could either join him or sleep on the table.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to bring a few extra blankets, knowing the cold and dampness of the Land of Rain could make things miserable otherwise.

In this weather, only a fool would sleep on the table.

And Tsunade wasn't one to deny herself comfort.

Later in the night, feeling a mischievous hand trying to sneak into her clothes, Tsunade smirked.

"Didn't you say I'm rough and unladylike? Why the sudden interest now?"


Shigeru cleared his throat, quickly changing the subject. "When are you heading back?"

"I can't stay long."

Tsunade had originally planned to spend more time at the camp, but after talking to Shigeru, she realized there was no need.

For now, Shigeru's safety wasn't in imminent danger.

Even if Shimura Danzo was scheming, it wouldn't be easy for him to convince Hanzo to assassinate Shigeru so quickly.

"Then you should go back tomorrow. Staying too long might cause dissatisfaction in the camp."

With the New Year approaching, everyone missed their families. Having Tsunade, the only female ninja in camp, stay for too long could stir resentment among the men.


Tsunade wasn't one to drag things out.

The next morning, she quietly left the camp and returned to the village without meeting anyone.

In her mind, there was no point in lingering. She came, spent the night, and now she was gone. Simple as that.


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**End of Chapter**