Chapter 3 - The Crimson Slayer

[You have received a Rank-A Character: Karian Thorne - The Crimson Slayer]

Atlas had summoned yet another character. This time, a figure emerged from the glowing magic circle just as Edrik had, stepping forward and standing before him.

Karian was a powerfully built man, his dark red hair tied in a loose knot at the back of his head. He was clad in red-tinted plate armor reinforced with dragon scales.

Karian stood silently for a moment, taking in his surroundings. His gaze eventually settled on Atlas, and recognition dawned in his eyes. Without hesitation, the warrior dropped to one knee, bowing his head before Atlas.

"This warrior has stained his name with a crushing defeat in his own land," Karian said. "But now I have been saved by a noble lord, just as death was closing in on me. Please, accept my loyalty, my Lord."

"Please, stand, Karian," Atlas said, and Karian obeyed, rising to his feet.

Atlas had finally summoned his first warrior, and he was fairly satisfied with the outcome. A warrior at this initial phase—especially a seasoned lord with experience in warfare—was more than he could have hoped for!

With someone like Karian by his side, he could soon embark on his first monster hunt.

But then again, not really. He had even better things waiting in store for him, a lot of them.

"It seems like we've gathered some of the best possible personnel for this initial phase," Atlas said, glancing between Edrik and Karian. "And I still have plenty of chances to summon more allies. But first, let me make sure of a few things before moving forward."

"My Lord, pardon me," Edrik spoke up suddenly.

"Yes, Edrik?" Atlas responded. "And just to clarify for both of you—please, let's keep things a bit more casual. It'll help us communicate and coordinate better. Feel free to tell me whatever you think I should do, based on your experience. Even though I've studied some things, real experience will always be more valuable here."

"Understood, my Lord," Edrik said with a respectful nod.

Just then, a gust of wind blew, sending sand flying into Atlas's face. He squinted, rubbing his eyes. 

He realized that his floating island was nothing but a barren, sandy wasteland. 

"How am I supposed to build a fortress here if there are no resources?" he said, glancing around. "Does this mean I really started off with one of the worst floating islands?"

Still, he had no right to complain. After all, he had been granted a powerful system to help him.

"Alright, Edrik. What is it you wanted to tell me?"

"My Lord, I'm certain you have only a limited time to prepare for the first attack," Edrik said, glancing around. "And I think... We desperately need materials to build structures. Perhaps we should focus on that first. Forgive me, but if you'd like, I can offer some suggestions to address this."

"Don't worry, Edrik. I've got a way to gather materials."

He then summoned the resources he had acquired from the Gacha—wood, stone, and other materials—instantly creating a pile around them.

"I've got these materials, but it's not quite enough to build the fortress yet. No big deal, though—I can easily gather more with my system."

"That's remarkable, my Lord. It seems like you've got an extraordinary system at your disposal."

"Certainly," Atlas said with a smile.

"I must say, I'm fortunate to have been summoned here to serve you. From the way you speak and how calm you've remained in this situation, even though it's your first time, you strike me as someone mature beyond your experience. I'm proud to serve you, my Lord."

"Oh that's your assessment?" Atlas chuckled. "Well, that's good to hear!"

Indeed, there was much to be done in these early stages, but Atlas was careful not to rush. He wanted to ensure everything was well-organized and thought through. Though he had once been just an Awakener with low-grade talent, he wasn't reckless.

Now, before opening the Rank-S item, he was curious to check the status of the two characters he had summoned. First, he opened the status window for Edrik.

[Name: Edrik Thornwall]

[Level: 49]

[Strength: 89 | Agility: 220 | Intelligence: 54 | Constitution: 67 | Stamina: 89]

[Job: Resource Manager]

[Master of Logistics (A) - Crisis Manager (A) - Merchant's Fortune (A) - Swift Dagger (B) - Silver Tongue (A) - Perfect Hair (B) - Tactical Retreat (A)]

Level 49? Why is he only Level 49? Was he at this level in his original world?

"Edrik, tell me, is your level really this low, or did you get a downgrade after I summoned you?"

"My Lord, I did experience a downgrade in a few areas," Edrik explained. "First, my level, and also some of my talents. But I assure you, even with these changes, my talent set will still be incredibly useful to you."

"I couldn't agree more," Atlas said, nodding. "Levels can always be regained, as long as your talents remain valuable—that's what truly matters."

"Thank you, my Lord."

Atlas reviewed Edrik's talents, noting how well they aligned with his role. Edrik had Master of Logistics, perfect for managing resources and supply chains, and Crisis Manager, ideal for handling high-pressure situations with efficiency. 

His Merchant's Fortune talent was an uncanny ability to secure highly profitable trade deals—perfect for a tactician and steward like him.

Edrik also had some combat-related talents. Swift Dagger specialized in dagger combat, and Tactical Retreat ensured a smooth, organized withdrawal from battle when faced with overwhelming odds. 

Clearly, Edrik wasn't built for frontline fighting but had skills that could keep him out of harm's way when needed.

Atlas smirked when he read the next talent. Perfect Hair, his hair will always look pristine and well-maintained, even after battle, but serves no real functional purpose beyond appearances.

Well, I guess it's useful in its own way.

Lastly, there was Silver Tongue, a highly persuasive talent, allowing Edrik to charm and win people over with ease, making diplomatic discussions smoother and ensuring favorable outcomes.

He's got the perfect set of social skills for his job, Atlas mused, impressed by the versatility of Edrik's talents.

[Name: Karian Thorne]

[Level: 55]

[Strength: 289 | Agility: 76 | Intelligence: 57 | Constitution: 145 | Stamina: 98]

[Job: Frontline Fighters]

[Brute Force (A) - Dragon's Will (SS) - Crimson Rage (B) - Savage Cleave (A) - Charismatic Presence (B) - Impressive Snoring (A) - Death's Resilience (B)]

"Well, your level is higher, at 55," Atlas said, glancing over Karian's stats.

"My Lord, I will work tirelessly to regain my former level and improve my talents."

"Good. We'll push hard once everything is ready."

As Atlas reviewed Karian's abilities, it became clear that he was built as a formidable warrior.

Brute Force, it will increase his raw power, allowing him to break through armor and shields with ease.

Dragon's Will, it will significantly reduce the effectiveness of crowd control effects, making it almost impossible to bind, stun, or restrain him in battle.

This one's SS-rated—impressive!

Crimson Rage, when Karian's health is low, this berserker-like ability boosts attack speed, damage, and ferocity but at the cost of defense.

These three talents alone solidified Karian's role as an unstoppable force in combat. The combination of Dragon's Will and Crimson Rage made him especially dangerous when pushed to his limits.

His next abilities reinforced his warrior nature.

Savage Cleave, allowed Karian to swing his greatsword with enough power to cut through multiple enemies or objects in a single strike—perfect for his weapon choice.

Charismatic Presence, naturally commanded respect, making it easy for Karian to lead and inspire others, something Atlas had noticed from their first interaction.

But then Atlas came across something unexpected.

Impressive Snoring, Karian possessed a loud, thunderous snore capable of waking an entire room. It had no practical benefit in combat or social settings.

Snoring? Atlas thought, stifling a chuckle. He might cause a little chaos for the others when he sleeps.

Finally, there was:

Death's Resilience provided immense resistance to fatal blows, giving Karian a short window to continue fighting even after receiving life-threatening injuries.

This talent worked in perfect synergy with Crimson Rage, making him a true berserker who could continue fighting in the face of death.

Everything's perfect, Atlas thought, pleased with how well Karian's talents fit his role.

Now armed with a berserker warrior and a skilled resource manager, he was ready to open the Rank-S Ticket. 

Will I be lucky enough to pull the Exclusive Rate Up Character right at the start? he wondered, excitement building.

The ticket dropped to the ground, and immediately, a magic circle formed. Dark energy in shades of red and black swirled from the center, and a figure began to materialize—a woman in a flowing red dress, long black hair cascading down her back, and eyes glowing crimson.

[You have received a Rank-S Character: Morganna Nightshade - Queen of the Eternal Dusk]

Well, looks like my luck paid off, Atlas thought, satisfied with the outcome.

The woman—Morganna—glanced at Edrik and Karian, who stood nearby. 

"My Lord!" Karian shouted, his voice sharp with alarm as he sprinted toward Atlas.

Before anyone could react, the Vampire Queen surged forward with terrifying speed. Her hand morphed into razor-sharp claws as she lunged straight at Atlas.

"You think you can make me your slave?! You die now!" 

Morganna hissed, her claws just inches from tearing across Atlas's throat.