Chapter 7 - Auto-Replenishing Refrigerator

[You have received 1 Basic Survival Kit.]

[You have received 100 Units of Stone.]

[You have received 50 Units of Iron.]

[You have received 100 Units of Wood.]

[You have received 50 Units of Iron.]

[You have received 50 Units of Iron.]

[You have received 100 Units of Stone.]

Atlas opened all seven brown tickets, and once again, he received a generous supply of materials—something he knew would be crucial for building another structure once the fortress was complete. 

However, there was one new item he hadn't seen before: a small, floating bag. He grabbed it and read the description:

[Basic Survival Kit: Includes essential tools like a knife, a small flint for starting fires, a tent, and basic rations for surviving in the wilderness.]

"Ah... this is going to be useful!" he thought, surprised by how the gacha system had provided such a practical, modern item.

Atlas sat down and opened the kit. Inside, he found a small but sleek and well-designed knife, as well as a tent. While they could eventually sleep inside the fortress once it was built, that wouldn't be ready until midnight. He pondered whether he should set up the tent now or save it for later when he might really need it.

As he was considering, Edrik and Karian approached.

"My Lord, would you like the tent set up? Let me help you. I'm sure you'll rest more comfortably while we wait for the fortress to be completed," Edrik offered.

"Yes, good idea," Atlas agreed, handing the bag to Edrik.

Edrik smiled and gave a slight bow before glancing at Karian. Without a word, Karian understood and cleared his throat before following Edrik.

[You have received Rank-A item: Auto-Replenishing Refrigerator]

The ticket fell to the ground, creating a glowing magic circle. From it emerged a sleek, black cuboid refrigerator with two doors and a digital display on the front.

"Wait? Auto-Replenishing Refrigerator?"

[A magical refrigerator that refills its contents every 24 hours with fresh food. The items vary based on the environment, ensuring a steady supply of meals without the need for hunting or farming.]

Curious, Atlas approached the refrigerator and noticed the digital display counting down—24 hours until its contents would be restocked. The magic of the item was already impressive, but the utility? Unbelievable.

Soon after, Karian carried the refrigerator into the dome-shaped tent, which had somehow expanded into a fully equipped space with camping chairs, a table, and even mattresses. Atlas was surprised—how had all this fit inside that small bag earlier?

As he opened the fridge, the cold air hit his face, offering sweet relief from the heat and dry winds. His previously weary expression lit up with enthusiasm as he saw the fridge packed with food—mostly frozen items, but food nonetheless. Damn!

He grabbed a few bottles of water and tossed them to Edrik and Karian. 

"Drink up! Looks like we won't need to eat Karian's limb anymore; we've got plenty of food now!"

A short while later, they set up a makeshift stove using stones and fire. On it, they placed the frozen meats and meals, eagerly waiting for them to cook while sitting around in their camping chairs. The smell of sizzling food filled the air as they relaxed, finally able to unwind.

"This is the best emergency food we could've asked for, My Lord," Edrik said.

"Yeah, haha," Atlas chuckled, cracking open a bottle of cola. "This is so refreshing," he added, taking a long drink, before munching on some potato chips. "And I'm starving!"

The three of them sat there, enjoying their unexpectedly luxurious meal.

They devoured the emergency food with gusto, surprised by how plentiful it was. Atlas ate at a more relaxed pace, while Karian downed 200 grams of meat in a single bite. 

The hours passed, and as the sun began to set, the floating island was draped in darkness, lit only by the soft glow of the tent and the fire crackling between them.

Atlas decided to open another Rank-A ticket.

[You have received Rank-A Item: Floating Lantern]

[A magical lantern that floats in midair, providing light to dark areas and guiding adventurers through treacherous terrain.]

"Ah! This is exactly what we needed!"

The lantern lit up instantly, gently floating into the air and casting a soft, warm glow around the campsite, illuminating the area. It was clear this item was far more useful than they'd expected.

The lantern followed whoever had activated it, and could even be set to different modes—patrolling an area, auto-follow, and more. Quite the interesting item.

As stars began to dot the night sky, the flickering firelight danced across their faces, adding a peaceful, calming atmosphere to the scene.

Just then, Atlas turned and noticed Morganna standing stiffly. Her eyes, glowing an eerie red, were fixed on them with an intensity that startled him for a moment. He hadn't realized she had been watching the whole time.

Is she... hungry?

"Now tell me, what do vampires eat?"

Edrik looked ready to respond enthusiastically, but Karian jumped in first.

"They eat humans, my Lord. They drain their blood until they're dry, leaving them to die in a gruesome, bloodless mess."

"Oh, that's... terrifying," Atlas muttered, turning back to Morganna with a nervous gulp.

"That!" Edrik interrupted. "What kind of world are you living in, Karian?"

"Yours, isn't it?" Karian replied with a smirk.

Edrik sighed. "Vampires can eat normal food too, like this meat or drink cola, but they mainly need blood to satisfy their real hunger and restore energy."

Atlas listened intently. "So, could we... I don't know, cut ourselves a bit and let the blood drip into her mouth?"

"That would work too, my Lord," Edrik nodded.

"Is their need for blood... large?"

"No, my Lord," Edrik explained. "It's usually just like someone donating blood. A small amount is enough to keep them sustained for a while."

Atlas nodded slowly, picking up a piece of grilled meat and a drink. He stood and walked toward Morganna.

Meanwhile, Karian whispered to Edrik, "Edrik, you're not joking, right? The Lord doesn't have much experience with vampires."

"No, of course not," Edrik replied confidently. "Your vampire is the wild type. But look at that girl—she's a Vampire Queen. Clearly noble. Vampires like her can consume normal food, but they satisfy their real hunger with blood. However, they're picky about whose blood they drink."

"Picky? Like what?"

"They have... preferences, like how we choose our favorite foods."

"And what if she doesn't like the taste of the Lord's blood?"

Edrik smirked. "He's an active Lord, and look at how well he's managing things and also his incredible System. He'll be a great leader. Or are you suggesting you offer your blood instead?"

Karian glanced at Morganna. "Isn't that better than letting the Lord give his blood to her?"

Edrik sighed deeply. "That's stupid! If the Vampire Queen doesn't like your blood, she could kill you in an instant. Remember, while she can't harm the Lord, she can still kill us easily."

Their eyes shifted toward Atlas, who appeared to be saying something to Morganna. But then, something unexpected happened.

Both Edrik and Karian leaped to their feet. "My Lord!" they shouted in shock.

In a blur of movement, Morganna lunged forward, fangs bared, and sank her teeth into Atlas's neck!


(Author's Note:)

Ah, the joys of camping! Sizzling meat, chilled cola, and—checks notes—a vampire's bite.

If this is his idea of a romantic evening, we need to talk about boundaries.

Now, who's curious to see if our brave Lord has tasty blood, or is Morganna about to send him back for a refund? Stay tuned!