Chapter 10 - What the hell happened last night?!

"This is my baby!" 

Morganna shouted, suddenly appearing between Atlas and the others, her hand reaching for the scythe. But Atlas was quick this time, snatching the weapon before she could. Instinctively, he jumped back, his heart racing as her fiery red eyes locked onto him with an unmistakable fury.

Can't this Vampire Queen calm down for just a second?! 

Morganna, clearly not planning on letting it go, continued to dart toward him, trying to grab the scythe. But Atlas, desperate to keep it away from her, dodged and ran, leaping and evading her over and over again.

Karian, watching this unfold, reached for the greatsword, ready to intervene. But just as he was about to charge, Edrik caught his arm.

"We need to help the Lord!" Karian urged.

Edrik shook his head calmly. "No need... she's not the enemy."

"But she's attacking him!" 

Edrik sighed and rolled his eyes. "Are you brainless, Karian? Did you see how she froze earlier when she tried to harm the Lord?"

"And so?"

"If she's moving this freely, it means she's not trying to hurt him."

"But still, the Lord is struggling."

Edrik leaned in close and whispered, "They're just... enjoying their little bond."

"What?! What are you talking about? Where did you even get that idea?"

Edrik sighed again, shaking his head in frustration. "I need a smarter partner, clearly."

"The vampires in my world are different. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Listen, when a Vampire Queen drinks from someone's neck, especially someone of high status, it's more than just feeding. It's a contract—a sign that they've submitted their soul to that person."


"Basically, we can say they're... married."

"What? How?"

"Not literally married, but bonded—something like that. For simplicity's sake, let's just call it a marriage."

"I don't understand this 'marriage' concept you keep talking about, Edrik. In my world, every race only knows how to kill and survive."

"That's why you need to mingle more with people from other worlds," Edrik muttered. "Look, I've explained enough. Now, we just watch and see how the Lord deals with his new 'wife.'"

"You're making this up, right? That's hard to believe."

Edrik shrugged. "Believe what you want."

Atlas could clearly see that Morganna's movements weren't as quick or aggressive as before. Was she tired? She was still trying to take the scythe, but not with the same intensity.

"Give the scythe to me, you lowly fool!"

Atlas quickly stored the scythe in his inventory. In that moment, as Morganna lunged for it, he caught her left hand and gripped it firmly.

"Don't you dare touch me, idiot," she spat, her right hand immediately swinging at him. But Atlas was faster, grabbing her other wrist, now holding both of her hands in a firm but controlled grip.

It was a strong hold, though not the kind that someone as powerful as her couldn't break out of. Yet, she didn't.

"Give me the scythe! That's my baby!" she growled.

"I'll give it to you," Atlas said calmly, "but only if you agree to sit down and talk about our alliance."

"I don't need you. You're weak, low, trash, useless," she hissed, glaring at him.

"I summoned you, and I summoned your weapon. And this is just the beginning—I can do far more than this."

"Bullshit! You're nothing, low as garbage. You'll die the moment the first attack comes."

"No, I won't."

"And where does your stupid confidence come from? Have you lost your mind?"

"I won't die because I have you, Edrik, and Karian."

Morganna gritted her teeth, yanking her hands out of his grip. She looked frustrated, and then, with a sharp motion, she extended her hand toward him. 

"Give me the scythe. That's mine!"

Atlas nodded, reaching into his inventory and materializing the Bloodkissed Scythe in his hand. 

Morganna wasted no time. She darted forward, snatching the scythe from his grip. Atlas didn't resist, allowing her to take it. Her expression changed the moment her fingers wrapped around the weapon.

She leapt back, spinning the scythe with effortless precision, the blade whirling like a deadly propeller. In an instant, she rushed forward, her movements a blur, and before Atlas could react, the sharp edge of the scythe was pressed against his neck.

"You're useless," she hissed. "Don't expect me to listen to your pathetic words, fool! Consider yourself lucky tonight—I'll forgive you only because you brought my scythe back to me."

With that, the scythe disappeared, vanishing into thin air. Morganna turned sharply, her back to him as she prepared to walk away.

"I can upgrade your scythe, and upgrade you too. You just need to listen to me, and we'll work together to win every battle."

Morganna paused for a moment, but after a brief hesitation, she continued walking away, eventually disappearing into the darkness on the other side of the island. 

Atlas had no idea what she was up to.

Edrik and Karian approached, their expressions... odd. Atlas couldn't quite place it, but something seemed off.

"My Lord," Karian suddenly spoke up. "I've been through something like this before. The early stages are always tough, especially at the beginning of marria—" His words were cut short as Edrik nudged his arm.

"My Lord, it's late," Edrik quickly interjected. "What do you say about getting some rest? Karian and I will keep watch until the fortress construction is complete."

Atlas exhaled. It had been exhausting—falling from that height, landing onto this island, going through the gacha pulls, and now this intense standoff with Morganna. He really just needed to sleep.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," he agreed.

He hadn't realized just how tired he was until now. After all, he hadn't slept in three days due to the previous expedition. His body was starting to feel like it was on the verge of collapsing from sheer exhaustion.

"Please let me know if anything urgent happens."

"My Lord, we will make sure everything is safe outside while you rest," Edrik reassured him.

Atlas nodded, feeling the overwhelming weight of exhaustion finally pulling him under as he headed into his tent. He didn't remember much after that—sleep took him almost instantly.

But then, something stirred him from the deep sleep. He felt a soft breath against his cheek. What is this? he thought, still half-asleep. Fresh air filled his lungs, but it was mingled with a delicate, sweet scent.

His body felt heavy, unable to move, as if something warm and soft was holding him in place. Slowly, he became more aware of his surroundings. The warmth pressing against his skin wasn't just a blanket—it was something...

His eyes fluttered open, and he saw the soft light of morning seeping through the gaps in the tent. But then, he realized—he was naked. And someone was wrapped around him.

Turning his head cautiously to the right, he froze. Lying next to him was a woman with long, black hair. 


What the hell happened last night?!


(Author's Note:)

Ah, nothing like waking up to a Vampire Queen snuggled up next to you, right? Totally normal stuff. 😅 

What do you guys think—innocent cuddles, or something way more complicated went down?

Did Atlas survive the night with all his blood still in his body? Drop your theories in the comments below! 💬👇