Chapter 13 - Blossom Reaper

[You have received 5 Rare XP Orbs]

[You have received 5 Elite XP Orbs]

[You have received 100 Units of Wood]

[You have received 100 Units of Wood]

[You have received 100 Units of Stone]

[You have received 100 Units of Stone]

[You have received 100 Units of Stone]

Atlas quickly opened the Rank-B tickets and gathered more materials for building structures, as well as XP Orbs. Interestingly, this time he received higher-grade ones, not just the usual Rare, but Elite-grade.

He hadn't yet tried applying these orbs to any of his subordinates. Maybe after sorting everything out, he'd give it a go. There was so much to do at this early stage, and with this being just the second day, he still had 12 days before the first wave of attacks would come.

Well, I should have enough time, he thought. But that didn't mean he could afford to relax.

His system was an SSS-grade system—the Ultimate Gacha System. Knowing this was already a huge advantage; the system's power was undeniable, especially considering how easily he had made progress so far. But he also knew that every Lord had their own unique system, and who knew what kind of variety and power they had. He couldn't afford to be complacent just because he had one of the best systems out there.

No, he thought firmly. I need to optimize everything in this short time.

Atlas moved on to open the first Rank-A ticket. The ticket spun in the air and burst into flames, and from the ashes, a wooden box appeared, glowing softly with a green light.

[You have received Rank-A Item: Everbloom Seed Packet] 

[A set of seeds that grow into plants. These plants continuously produce fruit, flowers, or herbs, providing an endless supply of food or ingredients for potions. Great for ensuring a steady food supply or magical ingredient production.]

Seeds! Atlas nodded to himself, pleased. This was exactly what he needed, especially considering how barren his island was. Dry, sandy soil as far as the eye could see. Though things had started to improve with grass and flowers sprouting, thanks to items he'd pulled from the Gacha, the island still had a long way to go.

He glanced over at his two subordinates standing nearby.

Edrik, seemingly reading Atlas's thoughts, bowed slightly. "My Lord, are those seeds meant for the island?"


"That's surprisingly just what we need. I'd be happy to assist in planting them. I have a bit of experience in gardening."

Atlas smirked. "You seem to be good at everything, huh?"

"I'm good at doing whatever it takes for my leader."

"Take it." Atlas handed him the wooden box. Edrik accepted it, bowing slightly before turning away. As he did, he nudged Karian's shoulder.

Karian turned to face Atlas. "My Lord, is there anything I can do? Or should I help Edrik with the gardening?"

"No, wait here. I might need your help with something else soon."

"Understood, My Lord." 

Atlas quickly moved on to open the next ticket. The purple-colored ticket spun in the air, glowing green before gently dropping to the floor. As it hit the ground, a magical circle appeared, glowing with energy. Slowly, a figure began to take shape from the green aura.

He squinted, trying to make out the details—was that a woman?

The figure fully materialized, revealing a young woman seated in a "w" position on the floor. The first thing that caught Atlas's attention was a pair of white rabbit ears standing tall atop her head. Her short, snowy-white hair complemented her ears.

Her outfit was simple yet functional—shorts, sturdy gardening shoes, and a practical top, all covered in traces of dirt and soil, as if she had just come from tending to plants. She blinked a few times before her gaze landed on Atlas.

[You have received Rank-A Character: Mira Springfoot - Blossom Reaper]

The girl continued to stare at Atlas, tilting her head in confusion, her wide blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Hi," Atlas greeted.

"Hi…" the girl replied, flashing a wide grin. 

"Oh… I got summoned," she said, giggling. 

Her giggles grew louder as she looked down, her shoulders shaking with amusement. "Oh my, oh my! I almost thought my life was over, but nope—I got summoned!"

She stood up, having to lift her head slightly due to her shorter height compared to Atlas.

"So, you're my Lord? Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Mira, the genius gardener," she said, giggling again.

"Hi, Mira. Nice to meet you too. A gardener, huh?"

"Yes!" Mira nodded rapidly. "I work with a hoe and fight using nature. I'm great at taking care of plants, and I also love carrots—uh, you know, rabbits love them, ehe."

Atlas nodded slowly, a bit taken aback by her energy. Right after I got the seed package, I summoned a gardener. Perfect timing. 

But surely she wasn't just a gardener, right? This girl must have some combat abilities, especially if she had once been a fallen lord in her own world.

Curious, Atlas quickly checked Mira's status.

[Name: Mira Springfoot]

[Level: 35]

[Strength: 123 | Agility: 67 | Intelligence: 87 | Constitution: 45 | Stamina: 98]

[Job: Farmer & Rancher]

[Garden's Blessing (S) - Green Thumb (A) - Too Cute to Resist (A) - Charming Negotiator (B) - Perfect Carrot Finder (B) - Hoe Dance (B)]

[Garden's Blessing: Mira gains increased stamina and agility whenever she fights near plants or greenery. Her connection with nature enhances her combat prowess in garden environments.]

[Green Thumb: Ability to make plants grow faster and healthier just by tending to them. Crops of these plants mature twice as fast and yield more produce.]

Atlas nodded, satisfied. Garden's Blessing and Green Thumb were exactly the kinds of talents he expected for a gardener like Mira. She'd be invaluable in managing the crops and ensuring the island's garden flourished. But it was clear she wasn't just about plants—her combat abilities were enhanced when surrounded by greenery, making her a capable fighter in the right environment.

[Too Cute to Resist: Sometimes, her cuteness overwhelms opponents, causing them to hesitate for a moment. Unfortunately, this has no consistent effect and is more distracting than useful.]

[Charming Negotiator: Mira has a natural charm and can easily win over others in conversation, making negotiations and social interactions flow smoothly.]

Atlas raised an eyebrow. Too Cute to Resist? He frowned slightly. "Not bad, I guess?" It could work as a kind of defense mechanism, catching enemies off guard—though it didn't seem reliable. Still, her ability to make opponents hesitate could give her a small edge in tight situations.

Charming Negotiator, on the other hand, was a pleasant surprise. This meant Mira wasn't just good with plants—she had a talent for dealing with people as well. This might come in handy when managing the dynamic between his subordinates.

Hopefully Morganna doesn't feel too intimidated by this overly cheerful girl joining the crew.

[Perfect Carrot Finder: Mira has an uncanny ability to find the perfect carrots wherever she goes, though this talent serves no practical combat advantage.]

[Hoe Dance: Mira's skill with her hoe allows her to perform a series of quick strikes in rapid succession, focusing on weak points. This talent enhances her speed and precision during attacks.]

Perfect Carrot Finder? Well, I guess that's useful... in very specific situations.

But Hoe Dance? That was something else entirely. 

"So, she fights with a hoe?" 

Atlas nodded after taking it all in. "So, Mira, welcome to the party. This is the early phase of my Floating Island, and I'll need your help a lot. We've got a desert landscape outside, but with the seeds we have, I'm sure you'll manage."

"Whoa… hahaha… alright!" Mira responded enthusiastically. "Early phase is fun! We can do a lot of exciting things before the battles start," she giggled.

Her lighthearted attitude toward the whole "Lords' battle" intrigued Atlas. He couldn't help but wonder—what rank had she fallen from in her own world?

Soon after, Karian accompanied Mira outside the Fortress, the bunny girl bouncing along happily beside him. 

"Hey, you're huge! Do you like carrots?" she asked, tilting her head up to look at him.

"No, I prefer meat. But I don't eat rabbits."

"Whoa… huh, huh, huh," Mira laughed, pretending to be startled. "Good to know, Mr. Dragon Warrior. My body's mostly human anyway, so don't get any ideas, okay?"

"I said, I don't like rabbits."

"Stop it, Mr. Dragon Warrior, you're making it sound weird!" she laughed again, her voice filled with joy as they walked further away, their banter fading as they exited the Fortress.

Atlas took a deep breath as he prepared to open the next Rank-A ticket. 

What will it be this time? Another weapon, a character, or perhaps another unique item?


(Author's Note:)

Don't be fooled by Mira's bunny ears—she's got some serious skills. 

A "Hoe Dance" for combat? Yes, please! 💥🪓 Plus, those Everbloom seeds and her Green Thumb are exactly what this island needs to flourish. 

She's more than just cute, though… I mean, Too Cute to Resist as a combat skill? That could catch someone off guard, right? 😅

What do you think: Is Mira going to be an MVP on this team, or is she just here to plant carrots? Comment your thoughts below.

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