Chapter 15 - Flame Beacon

[You have received Rank-A Blueprint: Flame Beacon]

A scroll materialized in front of Atlas, and he quickly skimmed the description of the item.

[A powerful defensive structure that emits waves of fire to repel attackers. The beacon can target both ground and aerial threats.]

Ah, Flame Beacon! Just from the brief description, it was clear this was an incredible asset. Not a finished item, but a Structure Blueprint. It could serve as a key defensive tower on the island, significantly boosting their defenses against enemy assaults.

Intrigued, Atlas read the blueprint's details more closely.


[Flame Burst:

Releases waves of fire in a 30-meter radius, dealing fire damage to all enemies within range. The flames last for 5 seconds, burning enemies and reducing their movement speed by 20%.]

[Aerial Defense:

Targets flying enemies within a 50-meter range, sending fiery projectiles to knock them out of the sky.]

Ah, so the tower can target both land and aerial enemies. This would be incredibly useful for keeping the island safe from all kinds of threats.

[Requirements: Fortress Stage 1]


[150 Stone] 

[100 Fire Crystals] 

[30 Iron Ingots] 

[10 Lava Shards] 

[5 Magma Core Fragments]

Atlas nodded slowly as he scanned the list of materials, noting a few unfamiliar items. Iron Ingots were just the refined version of iron, something they could produce once they had a proper blacksmith. So, that problem could be handled easily enough.

But Fire Crystals? Lava Shards? Magma Core Fragments?

He sighed, realizing there was no clear information on where to obtain those rare materials. Items like these were typically harvested from certain islands or dropped by monsters. Still, it would require more intel to pinpoint exactly where to find them.

Of course, there was always the faster route—searching the marketplace. Many Lords sold rare items they had hunted but didn't need, and this was where the gold he had might come into play. If he could find the right deals, he could acquire the materials from other players.

"500 Gold?" Atlas thought, wondering if that would be enough to secure the items before the looming attack. Time was running short, and now it was a race against the clock to gather the needed materials.

Atlas stood from his chair, which creaked under him as he did so. Morganna gave him a quick glance before turning her head away again. 

At least the Vampire Queen wasn't as aggressive as she had been yesterday when she'd suddenly attacked. That was a good sign, especially now that Mira was around—easily the most fragile-looking among them. And, well... she kind of looked like food. 

I mean, she is a rabbit, right?

This was the first time Atlas had met Beastkin like Mira in person, and he still wasn't used to it. The most obvious difference was her ears, which sat atop her head rather than on the sides like a regular human's.

"My Lord…" Mira called out, waving her hand enthusiastically as she jogged over to him. 

"I've planted a bunch of seeds—flowers, fruits, and trees. The seed box you gave me was amazing! There are so many types there. I'm sure in no time, this place will be green and beautiful, full of flowers and trees," she said, her face radiating joy.

Her over-the-top cheerfulness made Atlas feel just how stiff his own face had become.

"I suppose that's good…" he replied, trying to match her enthusiasm.

"Yes, My Lord! Once the trees grow, we can harvest them, and the fruits will give us a steady supply of food. Oh, and I planted carrots too, because they're really good for our health! So make sure to eat your carrots, okay?" she added, her smile impossibly bright.

"Ah... yes..." Atlas responded with an awkward grin.

Mira tilted her head and flashed an even wider smile. 

Too cute!


Atlas snapped out of his thoughts as Edrik cleared his throat. 

"My Lord…" Edrik said, bringing Atlas back to reality.

Atlas looked at Edrik, then back at Mira, who—without him realizing—was holding a hoe. 

Wait, what? Was she planning to stab him with that? No way... Was this how her Too Cute to Resist ability worked? She'd charm her target, make them let their guard down, and then... kill them with a hoe?

Suddenly, Mira's sweet smile seemed a little more suspicious. His imagination ran wild for a moment.

Noticing Atlas's confused expression, Mira tilted her head, mirroring his confusion. "My Lord... what's wrong? Are you tired? Do you need something to drink? Or maybe some food?" 

"No, it's fine. I just needed to discuss something with all of you, that's why I came over."

"Yes!" Mira chirped, flashing another one of her dazzling smiles, her eyes practically sparkling with innocence.

Damn it! Too cute! 

Atlas snapped back to reality, his gaze still fixed on the hoe in Mira's hands.

"Hehe, My Lord, why do you keep staring here?" Mira giggled, glancing toward her chest.

Oh hell no! 

Atlas quickly corrected himself, shaking his head. "No, I mean... the hoe. I was just worried you might stab me with that thing while I'm distracted by your cute charm."

"Oh, so you think I'm cute, My Lord?" she teased, giggling even more.



Too cute!


Atlas snapped back to focus, shaking off the distraction and revealing the materials he needed to build the Flame Beacon.

Edrik nodded thoughtfully. "My Lord, firstly, this is great news. A defensive structure like this is rare to obtain so early on. But secondly, about the materials—it's not impossible to find, but we'll need to locate where they are."

He continued, "We can harvest fire crystals from volcanic areas or magma fields. Defeating magma monsters will give us lava shards, and if we defeat the stronger versions of those monsters, we can collect core fragments."

"So, you're saying we need to find an island with that kind of environment?" 

"Yes, My Lord. Either a volcanic island or, potentially, another Lord's island with similar terrain. But it would be ideal if we could build this tower before the first attack wave hits," Edrik explained.

Atlas nodded, already considering their next move. 

"My Lord," Karian chimed in. "I think we just need to wait for the Teleportation Pad to finish building. After that, we can explore nearby islands and start hunting for resources."

Edrik nodded with Karian's suggestion.

Mira? Still smiling with her half-closed eyes, she nodded repeatedly, almost too enthusiastically.

Focus, focus!

"Alright, we've got plenty of time for that," Atlas said, still looking at Edrik and Karian. "And don't forget to eat while we still have food stocked in the refrigerator."

"Thanks, My Lord!" Mira chirped in response, but Atlas resisted the urge to turn toward her this time.

He then made his way back toward the tent where Morganna was lounging. Slowly, he was getting used to her presence—or rather, her lack of interest. She barely spoke to him, and honestly, it was easier to pretend she wasn't even there.

Now, another 10 standard tickets... He thought, mentally preparing himself as he tossed them into the air.

Rank-S please….

[You have obtained 8 Rank-B items and 2 Rank-A items!]


Author's Note: Seriously though, who else thinks Mira is secretly way more dangerous than she looks? 🤔