Chapter 8 Reevaluation

After the humiliating loss, a new pair was summoned. These two were also a couple. To avoid future disasters like the one they just had, the decided to make sure that everyone was on good terms with each other, to not get "betrayed" in the middle of the round again. 

Meanwhile, Arthur decided to train some more, to reach higher proficiency faster and master his skill. In the blink of an eye another round was underway. 


The fourth round came with a surprise. The landscape had not changed! My hypothesis is that the landscape of the round changes only when you win the round. Arthur said to himself. As for his progress, everything stayed the same except for his proficiency which went from 46% to 69% after 23 hours of training, and his [Luck] stat went from 2% to 3%.

The fourth round proceeded as expected: e4,e5. Nf3,Nc6,d4. Arthur, having learned from his previous mistake, chose not to attack first, and let the enemy make the first move. Instead, the chose to focus on development with Be7. 

Then, the "pawn" on d4 decided to move forward. Then the continued their developing strategy with Nf6. d5xc6. When both the "pawn" and the "Knight" are transported to the [Battle Arena], the "Knight" wins after a few rounds due to different stat allocations. Black to move: d5. Exd5. Nxd5. The "Knight" took revenge for the "pawn" that died in battle. 

Forgetting that the e5 "pawn" is defended, the goes Nxe5. The responds with Nxe5. At this point the resigns due to rage.

[White camp has resigned.]

[You are rewarded: 8 EXP, 10 Bronze Coins, and 5 Attribute Points for winning the round.]