Chapter 28: You’re Stunning, Kurenai! The Chase Begins, Wood Release Unlocked!

Late at night…

Ten ANBU squads were dispatched to search the entire Fire Country for Orochimaru and his remaining followers.

At the same time, the Third Hokage issued a village-wide order, classifying Orochimaru as an S-Rank rogue ninja and placing him on the official wanted list.

As for Orochimaru's experimental base in the Forest of Death, it was tightly sealed off. No one was allowed near it without express permission from the Hokage.

The news of Orochimaru's defection caused a major stir in the village.

Many of the prominent clans were in shock.

Some even sensed the looming threat of war.

With the Fourth Hokage gone, Tsunade leaving, and now Orochimaru defecting—the village's top-tier strength had suffered significant losses. Could the other hidden villages resist the temptation to take advantage of this situation?

That… remained to be seen.

Of course, all this had little to do with Kazuya.

He was waiting.

Waiting for news about Jiraiya.

In the original timeline, there was still one more battle between Jiraiya and Orochimaru—a last-ditch effort to save an old friend.

Much like the fight between Sasuke and Naruto later on, Jiraiya couldn't bring Orochimaru back to the village.

Kazuya couldn't wait to witness it.

After all, Jiraiya's approach to Orochimaru was very different from the Third Hokage's. He wouldn't hesitate to strike hard, even if it meant wounding his old friend.

Two Kage-level shinobi clashing—now that was something worth seeing!

Meanwhile, there was plenty of cleanup to be done in the aftermath of Orochimaru's escape.

Fortunately, that wasn't Kazuya's responsibility.

Other teams would handle the loose ends.

Moreover, Kazuya's prestige in the ANBU has skyrocketed recently.

His reputation far exceeded that of an ordinary Squad Leader.

The entire village knew by now that a rising star had emerged in the ANBU.

Someone who had fought the Fourth Raikage head-on, severely wounded Orochimaru, and remained undefeated—an unrivaled track record!

Someone was pushing for this information to spread.

Kazuya had a good idea who that someone was.

It had to be the Third Hokage.


"My acting must be top-notch," Kazuya thought to himself, feeling quite satisfied.

Life, after all, was just one big performance—and he was acing it.

Smooth operator!

[You've gained 20 Chakra points]

[You've gained 20 Chakra points]

[You've gained 10 battle experience points]

[You've gained 20 Fire Release aptitude points]

As Kazuya walked toward the ANBU base, golden orbs continued to pour into his body.

"Fire Release aptitude?"

Kazuya was a bit surprised.

He turned his head and saw a group of Konoha ninjas using the Great Fireball Jutsu to break down a door while capturing one of Orochimaru's remaining henchmen.

"Well, that explains it."

Kazuya took advantage of the situation, gathered more golden orbs, and quickly headed back to the ANBU base.

As soon as he stepped into his office…

There was Kurenai Yuhi, standing there with teary eyes, looking at him longingly.

"What's wrong?" Kazuya asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, Kazuya-kun," Kurenai replied, biting her lip. "You were only trying to protect me, but I resented you for it. I was so wrong."

She walked up to him, gripping his arm, her face full of concern. "Kazuya-kun, you're not mad at me, are you?"

Just moments ago, Kurenai had learned that today's mission was to capture Orochimaru.


It finally dawned on her that Kazuya had been strict with her earlier, refusing to let her join, because he was trying to keep her safe.

She had misunderstood him!

Now, she was feeling anxious. If Kazuya thought she didn't appreciate his actions, it would weigh heavily on her heart.

Was he angry? Kazuya wasn't angry. Even if he was, a little teasing would fix it.

With a soft expression, Kazuya said, "There seems to be something on your face."

"What? What is it?" Kurenai asked, flustered as she touched her face.

"You look… beautiful."

Kazuya smiled, delivering the line with smooth, practiced ease.

If this had been any other moment, a girlfriend might have slapped him for being so bold. But innocent Kurenai wasn't used to such corny flirtation.

"You're so annoying~" she muttered, her face flushed, as she lightly glared at him.

Of all times, he chose now to flirt. And he was so practiced at it too. How many girls had he used this line on?

But Kazuya didn't stay long at the ANBU base. After organizing some important intel, he left for the outskirts of the village.

Orochimaru's defection was an S-rank event, something Kazuya couldn't afford to miss.

And thanks to his involvement, Orochimaru's injuries were even more severe this time. If everything went as he expected, Orochimaru would soon seek out the Iburi clan for healing.

The Iburi clan, residing within the Land of Fire, possessed a unique kekkei genkai: the ability to turn into smoke. However, it came with a dangerous drawback—if the wind blew too hard, they would disperse and die.

Later, with Orochimaru's help, the Iburi clan stabilized their smoke transformation ability, leading them to revere him as their savior.

But tragically, their savior would soon be their undoing.

The Iburi clan was no pushover. Their clan leader was even capable of suppressing Kakashi.

If Kazuya could watch their encounter, he could probably get some valuable loot!

As for the exact location of the Iburi clan's hideout, Kazuya didn't have any intel. But, thanks to knowing the story, all he had to do was follow Kakashi, and he'd naturally find the Iburi clan—and Orochimaru.

It was a flawless plan!

Soon enough, Kazuya left the village, heading in the direction Kakashi was assigned.

With his Kage-level chakra reserves, level 5 Body Flicker Technique, and the unbeatable Flying Thunder God Technique, catching up to Kakashi was no problem.

It wasn't long before Kazuya spotted Kakashi, but he stayed hidden in the shadows.

With his skill, there was no way Kakashi, in his current state, would detect him.

The night passed quickly, and Kazuya waited patiently.

Finally, in the afternoon, Kakashi found a giant hollowed-out tree.

"This is it..." Kazuya's eyes gleamed with excitement.

He used the Body Flicker to follow swiftly.

Before long, Kakashi encountered the Iburi clan's leader and promptly got beaten.

Not long after, Yamato—no, the ROOT agent Kinoe—came to the rescue.

Using Wood Release, Kinoe subdued Kakashi, though it was just a ruse to help Kakashi escape.

Meanwhile, hidden in the shadows, Kazuya's face lit up as several golden orbs flew toward him.

[You've acquired 100 points in Wood Release aptitude]

[You've acquired the jutsu: Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall]

[You've acquired the jutsu: Wood Release: Silent Strangle Jutsu]

Wood Release!

He got it!!!