
Fine by me I say. But back to what I was saying. At least with your friends they will not have any drawbacks depending on their powers at least until y'all go to a different world but for this one you will have drawbacks. But back to you if you imagine killing someone their name will be printed on your soul and you will relive all their traumas and bad memories. But if you imagine having someone else's powers you will have their weaknesses. but remember only for this world because and the other world I will be sending it all too if y'all choose to go strength calls everything. If y'all choose to go to the other world y'all will not have none of the weaknesses y'all have now. But we are done with you for now Isaiah. Wait, how do you know my name? I know all your names and I know how y'all was in the past and everything about y'all ok now, Mike.