Going Back

Vixie chuckled, seeing the slight fear in the leader's eyes. His fear fed her very being, making her excitement grow.

She felt like an adrenaline junkie ready for another fix. "You said you've heard of my hobbies, right?" she asked as she approached the retreating leader.

"Well, my favorite game is run and chase. It's a fairly simple game, actually. I give you a twenty-second head start, then I chase you. If I catch you within the first ten seconds, you die an excruciating death. But if you manage to last more than ten seconds, I leave you alone. So, wanna play?"

Vixie explained the game with a cheerful tone, so excited she could barely contain her giggling. The werewolf didn't respond well to the threat, growling as the background werewolves attacked Vixie at once.