Alcatraz Penitentiary (9)

"H-how?" Jenny muttered to herself.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her ears buzzed with a funny noise, and it was like she had become deaf. Her eyes were glued to the tortured man being dragged by the chain.

She didn't even register Henry in her field of vision. Her throat suddenly constricted, and she couldn't shout after her brother. Someone shook her, and she slowly lifted her head to Chen, whose eyes glimmered with concern.

She heard her speak, but none of her words entered her ears. She wanted to respond, to say something, but the words she could think of became ash in her mouth.

Chen's eyes flickered with pity, and Jenny responded by looking away. She didn't like it when people looked at her that way. It made her feel fragile. Even though she was, it wasn't something she liked to face.