End up spend a night with James, now Russel on his way back to his apartment after part with James this morning. James have to hurried up going to his training session. Arrive at his apartment entrance, Russel pauses seeing there pregnant women standing. Not to mind, Russel shrugged then continue his walk.

"Argh, my back killing me right now." Russel mumbled while massaging his back. But right after he pass that woman, he feel someone grab his wrist. Russel stop and look behind him.

"You... you Russel right?" What she ask. Russel stop, there a mixture of confusion and curiosity written across his face.

"Yes, that's me. Can i help you?" they talk for while and can be seen Russel expression change. Walk up to his apartment, Russel expression get more difficult to read as he unlock his door. The women he meet earlier followed silently behind him.