Still wondering where were Russel could be or what might be happened to him, James seem like ke can't shut his eyes. Just a light from city outside the window fill the room where he sit. Ade already sleep at the provided room. Exhausted after helping him searching for Russel today.
Taking sip of energy drink, James then sit on floor then lean his head on sofa. He let out a deep sigh.
"Where are you?" James taking his drink sip again but not long after that he heard the door open. Slowly a figure get in from the door but due to dim light, he can't see clearly.
"James?" James quickly get up and approach the figure. He knows the voice.
"Uncle? No i mean dad?" The light flick on and there his uncle, Ade father coming from the door and turn the lights on and there someone James never seen behind him. But James shock when see his uncle shirt full of blood stain.