Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Waking up felt strange. A wave of confusion hit me as soon as I opened my eyes. I blinked, trying to make sense of my surroundings. Everything was so bright, so vivid. The colors of the grass beneath me, the sky above, and the distant city on the horizon—it was all too clear, almost unnatural.

My last memory was of driving. There had been a car—my car—and then, out of nowhere, headlights. The crash came fast and hard. I didn't have time to react before everything went black. There was no pain, no slow fade. Just...nothing.

But now, I was here. Wherever here was.

I sat up slowly, scanning my surroundings. Rolling green hills stretched out in every direction. The air felt cleaner, almost shimmering with a strange energy. Far off, I could make out a city with tall, majestic towers piercing the sky. That's when it hit me. The architecture, the skyline—this was Magix.

Magix? The city from the Winx Club universe? No way. This had to be a dream, some bizarre fantasy cooked up by my subconscious. But as I looked down at myself, panic started to creep in. I wasn't wearing my usual clothes. Instead, I was in some kind of sleek, armored outfit. The material looked futuristic, like something straight out of an action movie, yet distinctly magical.

I touched my chest, feeling the fabric beneath my fingers. It was real—solid, tactile. I pinched my arm. "Ow!" Definitely real. My heart started racing.

"This can't be happening," I muttered under my breath. "This can't be real."

But it was real. I stood up, glancing around once more. My body felt different—lighter, more agile, like I'd been molded for this world. A quick survey of my limbs confirmed that I was no longer the guy I had been. Leaner, taller even, but still me. At least, I thought so.

My mind raced as I tried to process everything. I was in Magix. Somehow, I had been reborn in a world of fairies, witches, and magical creatures. How was that even possible? Was this some kind of afterlife, a second chance? And if so, why here?

I wasn't some random background character, either. The armor I wore, the way my body felt, the faint hum of magic that seemed to resonate in the air around me—everything pointed to something bigger. If this world followed the timeline of the show, then Bloom, the protagonist, would still be on Earth. She wouldn't have discovered her powers yet. That gave me some time to figure things out.

"Alright, focus," I told myself, taking a deep breath. "What do I know?"

The Winx Club storyline was fairly straightforward. Bloom, the fairy of the Dragon Flame, would soon be thrown into a world of magic when she saved Stella from an ogre attack in her hometown of Gardenia. After that, she'd go to Alfea, the fairy school, and form the Winx Club with the others. That much I remembered. But how was I supposed to fit into all this?

My gaze wandered to the distant city. I needed to get to Magix City and, more importantly, Red Fountain. If I could enroll there as a Specialist, I'd at least have access to training and some form of protection. Plus, I'd be able to observe events as they unfolded.

But just as I took a step forward, something odd happened. A sudden pulse of energy coursed through me, making my fingertips tingle. Instinctively, I raised my hand, and to my surprise, blue arcs of energy shot out, swirling in the air before dissipating.

I stared at my hand in shock. "I...I have magic?"

This was new. Specialists in the Winx Club universe didn't typically wield magic like the fairies or wizards did. But here I was, with magic practically at my fingertips. It wasn't strong or refined, but it was there. The energy felt raw, untrained, but mine to control.

"Okay," I said, trying to calm the whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. "I can work with this."

My steps quickened as I made my way toward the city. I had no idea what I was walking into, but standing around in the middle of nowhere wasn't going to get me any answers.

As I approached Magix, the sheer scale of it started to sink in. The city was bustling with life. Fairies with their wings glittering in the sunlight flew overhead, while creatures of all kinds roamed the streets. Magic flowed through every inch of this place—it was palpable, woven into the very air.

I hadn't even crossed the city's threshold when a voice called out from behind me. "Hey! You, with the armor!"

I turned around to see a figure walking toward me. A guy, a little older than me, with a cocky swagger that was all too familiar. His short, spiky hair and intense gaze made my stomach drop. I knew that face. Riven.

He approached with a smirk. "New recruit?"

I blinked, momentarily thrown off. "Uh, yeah. Just arrived."

Riven snorted. "Figures. You've got that lost look about you. What's your name, newbie?"

I hesitated. My name. I hadn't even thought about that. Should I use my real name from Earth or create a new identity here? After a second, I went with my gut. "Evan," I said, hoping it wouldn't sound out of place.

Riven raised an eyebrow. "Evan, huh? Well, try to keep up, Evan. Red Fountain's over that way." He pointed toward a large building in the distance, its towers gleaming in the sunlight. "Don't get in over your head, though. We've got enough wannabe heroes as it is."

I nodded, falling into step beside him. "Thanks. I'll try not to."

As we walked, I couldn't help but marvel at how real this all felt. The sights, the sounds, even the smell of magic in the air—it was all exactly like I'd imagined it. But this wasn't some game or show anymore. This was real, and I was now a part of it.

The thought made my chest tighten with both excitement and anxiety. I was here, in a world I had only dreamed about. But with that came a heavy realization. This wasn't just a story I could watch from a distance. I was going to have to live it, make choices, and deal with the consequences. And if I remembered correctly, things in this universe were about to get very dangerous.

The Trix, the evil trio of witches, were already on the move, even if Bloom hadn't realized it yet. And if I was going to survive whatever was coming, I'd need to be ready. I had power, but it wasn't enough. Not yet.

As we neared Red Fountain, I glanced over at Riven. In the show, he was always the outcast, the one with a chip on his shoulder. But he was also one of the best Specialists in training. Maybe, just maybe, I could learn something from him. Or at the very least, not get on his bad side.

One thing was certain: I couldn't just follow the story from the sidelines. I had been reborn into this world for a reason, and it was time to figure out what that reason was.


End of Chapter 1