chapter 5: The Confrontation

The next day dawned with a sense of dread that hung heavy in the air. After the magic incident during training, I found myself replaying every moment in my head, anticipating Codatorta's reaction. As I got ready, I could feel the weight of his gaze on me, a constant reminder that I was now a target for scrutiny.

Breakfast was a rushed affair. Tristan and Nate were already deep in conversation, but I struggled to focus. My mind kept drifting back to the surge of power I had felt, the thrill of it mixed with fear. What did it mean? And why was it so different from the magic I'd seen in the fairies?

"Evan!" Tristan's voice pulled me back to reality. "You okay? You've been staring at your food for like five minutes."

"Yeah, just… thinking," I muttered, pushing the scrambled eggs around on my plate.

Nate raised an eyebrow. "About the magic thing? Don't stress it too much. Codatorta can be tough, but he's fair. Just focus on your training."

I nodded but felt a knot in my stomach. The day ahead promised more of the same—more training, more scrutiny, and inevitably, my confrontation with Codatorta.


The training grounds were as bustling as ever when we arrived, but today there was an undercurrent of anticipation that made my skin crawl. I could see Codatorta standing at the front, flanked by other instructors. His eyes scanned the recruits, and I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.

"Listen up!" he called, his voice booming as usual. "Today, we're going to focus on combat tactics in pairs. But first, I want to address something that happened yesterday."

I braced myself as he gestured toward me. "Evan, step forward."

The murmurs among the recruits intensified as I walked up to the front. I could feel their eyes on me—some were curious, others judgmental. Codatorta crossed his arms, his expression stern.

"Yesterday, you displayed a level of power that is not typical for a Specialist. Explain yourself."

I swallowed hard. This was it—the moment I had both dreaded and anticipated. "I don't know what to say," I began, my voice steady despite the chaos inside. "It just happened. I didn't mean to use my magic."

Codatorta's gaze didn't waver. "You must understand, Evan. Magic is a powerful tool, but it is also a dangerous weapon. If you can't control it, it puts everyone at risk, including yourself. So I ask again—how did it happen?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the eyes of my peers boring into me. "I've always felt something… inside me. I didn't know it was magic until yesterday. I've been trying to keep it under control, but it seems to get out when I least expect it."

The silence stretched on, thick and tense. Finally, Codatorta nodded, his expression shifting slightly. "This is a serious issue. Magic can be a strength, but it can also lead to your downfall. I want you to work closely with one of our magic instructors, and you'll be evaluated on your ability to harness and control this power."

I blinked, a mix of relief and apprehension flooding through me. "You mean I can train in magic?"

"Yes," he said curtly. "But understand this: if you cannot manage it, you will not be permitted to continue training as a Specialist. You will need to prove yourself capable."

"Understood," I replied, determination flooding through me. This was my chance to not only understand my powers but to find a way to control them. Maybe even embrace them.

"Now," Codatorta continued, his tone shifting back to commanding. "Let's get started with today's training. Pair up!"

As the recruits began to pair off, I felt a surge of hope mingled with fear. I wasn't out of the woods yet, but at least I had a path forward. I quickly joined Tristan and Nate, who wore expressions of encouragement.

"You did well," Tristan said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "This could be a good thing."

Nate nodded. "Yeah, don't sweat it. We've got your back."


The rest of the day was a blur of drills and sparring sessions, but my mind was only half on it. Codatorta had instructed me to meet with the magic instructor after training, and I felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety building in my chest.

By the time the day ended, the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds. I gathered my things and made my way toward the designated meeting point, a quiet corner of the grounds surrounded by trees. As I approached, I could see a figure waiting—a woman with long, flowing hair and a confident posture.

"Evan," she said, her voice smooth and melodic. "I'm Professor Aislin, and I'll be helping you harness your magic."

I nodded, trying to read her expression. "Nice to meet you. I… don't really know what I'm doing with it."

Aislin smiled, an understanding glint in her eyes. "That's alright. We'll work through it together. Magic can be unpredictable, especially if you're new to it. The key is to find a way to channel it effectively."

"Channel it?" I echoed, feeling a flicker of hope. "How do I do that?"

"Let's start with the basics," Aislin said, gesturing for me to follow her to a clearing nearby. "Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel the energy within you. It's there, waiting to be acknowledged."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to quiet my mind. Aislin's voice faded into the background as I focused inward. I could feel it—an electric current pulsing just beneath my skin, a raw and untamed power that had been with me since I arrived in this world.

"Good," Aislin encouraged. "Now, visualize that energy. Picture it taking shape, flowing through you."

As I concentrated, I felt the energy swell within me, a rush of warmth spreading through my limbs. I focused harder, trying to visualize it—something tangible, something I could control. Suddenly, I felt a spark ignite in my palms, and a small orb of blue light flickered to life.

"Open your eyes," Aislin said, her voice steady.

I hesitated, unsure of what I would find. But when I finally opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of the glowing orb hovering just above my hands. It flickered in and out, pulsing with energy like a heartbeat.

"Excellent," Aislin said, a smile breaking across her face. "That's the beginning of your power taking shape. Now, try to expand it."

I focused on the orb, visualizing it growing larger. The light intensified, and I felt a rush of exhilaration as it began to expand. But just as quickly, the energy slipped out of my control, and the orb shattered, sending a shower of sparkles cascading through the air.

"Easy now," Aislin cautioned, her tone gentle but firm. "You're doing well, but remember: control is essential. Don't let the power overwhelm you. Breathe through it."

I took a deep breath, nodding as I tried again. This time, I felt more grounded. I focused on the orb, visualizing it more clearly, letting the energy flow through me. Slowly, it began to take shape again, hovering steadily above my palm.

"Very good!" Aislin clapped her hands together, her excitement infectious. "You're getting the hang of it. Remember, this is just the start. With practice, you'll learn to wield this power with confidence."

As we continued to train, I felt the tension in my body easing, replaced by a sense of purpose. Maybe this was what I needed—a way to embrace the magic instead of fear it. I didn't just want to control it; I wanted to understand it. I wanted to be strong enough to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I felt a renewed sense of determination. Today had been just the beginning of my journey into magic, but it felt monumental. I would continue to train, to learn, and to master this power. And as I walked back to the dorms, I knew that I was ready to face whatever came next.

End of Chapter 5