Chapter 1 Simp Life is Real

"This can't be! Someone tell me this isn't true!" a middle-aged man shouted, his voice breaking as tears streamed down his face. He stood alone beneath the cold night sky, staring up at the heavens, as if begging for an answer, a reprieve from the cruel reality that had just torn his world apart.

His girlfriend of ten years—ten long, hopeful years—had ended their relationship tonight. He had been planning to make amends, to reconcile with her after their latest argument, clinging to the belief that their bond could still be saved.

But all his hopes shattered in an instant when he saw her walking hand in hand with another man—a tall, handsome stranger—both of them smiling as they headed toward a sleek, expensive car.

It felt like a punch to the gut. The kind of betrayal he never saw coming. He wanted to scream, to run after her, but his legs refused to move, locked in place by the overwhelming weight of his heartbreak.

His chest tightened painfully as the reality set in—she had moved on, and not just with anyone, but with someone who seemed to have everything he didn't. Someone younger, wealthier, better-looking.

His gaze shifted to the side, where his electric scooter sat, a sharp contrast to the luxury car the handsome stranger had driven. It was almost laughable in its own sad way, but the sight of it only made the tears come harder, his sobbing growing uncontrollable as waves of self-pity washed over him.

He felt pathetic, standing there in the dim glow of the streetlights, grieving a relationship that, in hindsight, may have always been doomed.

Life was painfully, unforgivingly unfair. He had given her everything—his time, his loyalty, his love—only to be cast aside. And to think that in the ten years they had been together, he had never once slept with her. Not even once.

It seemed impossible, almost ridiculous, but it was the cold, hard truth. All those years of patience, of waiting for the right time, the right moment, only to be left with nothing but heartache and regret.

As he stood there, trembling from both the cold and the overwhelming sorrow, a dark thought crept into his mind—Had he wasted the best years of his life?

"There's no reason to live anymore," the sad man sighed, his gaze drifting aimlessly. The weight of his despair felt like a heavy shroud, suffocating any flicker of hope.

He contemplated the cold embrace of a river, its depths promising an escape from the torment of his existence.

Just as he steeled himself to take that final step, a sudden twist in his story arrived, piercing through the fog of his desolation.


A melodic chime echoed in the silence, pulling him back from the brink.

"Congratulations, host! You have been granted the cultivation base of a Primordial Dao Emperor!" a woman's voice proclaimed, resonating with an authority that demanded his attention.

In an instant, a surge of unimaginable strength coursed through his body, electrifying every nerve ending. The sensation was overwhelming, a tidal wave of power that crashed into him, lifting him from the abyss.

Countless immortal techniques and secret skills flooded his mind, integrating seamlessly with his very being. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into the sole master of the infinite myriad daos.

He stood tall, his eyes now alight with a fierce intensity. Gazing into the multiverse, he marveled at the sight before him: countless realms stretching beyond comprehension, each teeming with life.

Yet, to him, they all felt insignificant. Everyone else appeared as mere ants, scurrying about their lives, oblivious to the true depths of his power.

Even the renowned immortal emperors, beings trillions had once revered, were now reduced to nothing more than a drop in the ocean of his absolute might.

But amidst this overwhelming strength, a fire ignited within him. The ache of his past began to morph into a burning desire for revenge.

Memories of betrayal and loss surged to the forefront of his mind—faces of those who had wronged him danced in his thoughts like phantoms, each one fueling his rage.

"You will pay!" the middle-aged man vowed, his voice dripping with malice. Without another moment's hesitation, he set his vengeance into motion. Reality fractured around him, warping and twisting until, before long, a stunning woman and a handsome man materialized in his line of sight.

"Magnus? Why are you here?" the beautiful woman asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. The last scene she recalled was riding in a car with her new boyfriend, a moment filled with laughter and warmth. Now, everything had changed.

"There's no point in asking questions, Amber," Magnus replied with a sinister smile that sent chills down her spine. The air thickened with a palpable darkness as shadows began to contort and morph into grotesque shapes.

Suddenly, ten-foot-tall ogres emerged from the gloom, their massive forms towering over Amber and her boyfriend. Each ogre was a grotesque parody of strength, monstrous features accentuated by their grotesque endowments. They shambled forward, their intentions clear as they closed in on the terrified couple.

Amber's heart raced as she realized the impending danger. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound escaped as the ogres advanced, their guttural roars echoing through the air. Panic surged as the horrific creatures surrounded them, trapping them like prey caught in a hunter's snare.

The chaos erupted as the first ogre lunged, and Amber was engulfed in a torrent of primal screams and the sickening sounds of violence. Her boyfriend fought desperately, but the sheer number of attackers—at least a hundred ogres—overwhelmed them. Guttural cries of pain and despair filled the air, drowning out any hope of escape.

The monsters came, and Amber and her new boyfriend found themselves subjected to hours of relentless torment. Each moment dragged on, filled with despair and anguish, as their strength was systematically stripped away.

Days blended into one another, marked only by the tormentors' cruel laughter and the echo of their cries.

What began as hope dwindled into a haunting silence, leaving behind nothing but the shattered remnants of two once-vibrant lives.

When it was finally over, all that remained were the broken husks of their bodies, cold and lifeless, along with a river of come that flowed in their wake—a stark reminder of the horrors they had endured.

Magnus felt neither happy nor sad about Amber's passing. He had always sensed something was off between them, but the truth hit him like a freight train when he delved into her mind.

For years, she had been cheating on him, reveling in the thrill of betrayal while denying him any intimacy. To her, he was merely a cash cow, tirelessly providing for her wants and desires, while she treated his feelings with contempt. The realization stung, but it was liberating in a way he hadn't anticipated.

"What a pathetic life I've lived," he mused, staring at the empty space where her presence once lingered. "But that was the past. It's time for me to move on." A grin spread across his face as he reveled in his newfound power. The world felt different now, the weight of his past lifting as he contemplated a future free from Amber's influence.

He was eager to shed his virgin status, a badge of honor he had carried for too long. The thought of chasing after only the most beautiful women filled him with anticipation and excitement.

He envisioned glamorous nights filled with laughter and passion, nights where he would no longer be a mere pawn in someone else's game.

Gazing into the vastness of the multiverse, he felt a thrill of excitement at what lay ahead. The stars twinkled like diamonds, each one a potential opportunity waiting to be seized.

This was going to be fun, he surmised, a chance to reinvent himself and embrace the pleasures of life he had long denied.

No longer would he be a victim of someone else's whims; he would be the master of his own fate.

As he contemplated his next move, a sense of empowerment surged through him. He could almost taste the freedom that awaited him.

With Amber behind him, he was ready to explore a world where he dictated the rules, unafraid to indulge in every desire.