The fallen genius (1)

'Your eyes are bleeding' that was the last phrase he heard before loosing consciousness. Then panic kicked in as everyone tries to help.

"Scorpion bring my medical kit right now, fang and sting carry him carefully to his room. Be fast people we all know what will happen if he looses too much blood. " Ghost's voice brought everyone back to his senses.

Ice looked at the unconscious Grey with an indifferent cold face. Ridicule evident on her face, she stands up and without saying anything and follow ghost.

Max stands by the bed not moving an inch, Grey's peaceful breathing pace slowly calms his nerves.

Of all the people in the room, Max can be said to know grey the most. A guy who helped him turn things around more than once.

-------- Maxwell Brook's P.O.V-------

I stand beside Grey's bed with worry and panic, as his eyes,ears and mouth bleed seriously. This sight doesn't irritate me because I have seen worse than this.

I still remember our first meeting ten years ago in Johannesburg south Africa. My father was attending a very important seminar that summer so he took me with him.

Seven days later my father took me to meet his benefactor,a lady running an orphanage in Soweto. It was there that we first met,he was about thirteen years lean and about half a head taller than me. I was a chubby boy with a running nose and also a foodie.

His collected demeanor gave off charm of maturity and most surprising was his intelligence and knowledge about science.

Despite being only thirteen years old, Grey was able to answer almost everything my father asked. Be it biology, chemistry or physics he answered with ease.

Later Grey then relocated to the states,to be specific Chinatown New York City. He stayed with an old man ghost for a while. It was there that I saw him bleed for the first time,it was horrifying to see him in so much pain.

Grey's memories started fading as days went by and slowly he was loosing his edge. Then he came up with an idea of starting an app that can store everything he had. His inventions, ideas and plans were to be locked in that app.

This simple idea was the turning point of everything we ever knew. The first edition the ark was successful and it brought high hopes to Grey. It was a high tech helmet which could record an individual's memories at a given time.

He continued putting in work until his seventeenth birthday. He knew the power of his inventions so he created the labyrinth. A force in the dark web to protect himself. Artificial intelligence was his best fort.

His inventions were very renowned from the god's eyes, Pandora's box and devil's wrath, the punisher exoskeleton suits and sydenium a highly valuable metal that are stronger than diamond,had amassed him with wealth and envy from everywhere around the world.

Grey's inventions had caught both governments and terrorist organizations all over the world. This made him a very big target, he knew all well so he gave his inventions to me two years earlier. I was put in charge of the labyrinth and all of his properties.

Then came betrayal on the night of his birthday, a party was arranged by the big names in the world,all the scientists around the globe attended the party.

I don't know what happened but later that day Johnson Grey lost all his memories about everything of lis life between thirteen to seventeen years. His inventions disappeared in a flash and he was charged with attempted rape.

I saw his everyday routine as he was beaten and experimented on from time to time. Most of the time I had the urge to break him out of prison buti couldn't.

Many parties were watching him closely with too much interest and doing so might be more disadvantagous to him.He endured a storm with no memories showing his determination.

Yesterday I got a phone call from England saying that Grey's grandma Victoria collapsed and was taken to the hospital. I called my dad telling him about grandma Victoria's condition and he called Grey today.

The relief I had when I saw Grey standing outside the prison gate made me emotional. I had changed as I was always busy, for me seeing the guy who changed my life standing there with a blank look is most satisfying. I observe him for about five minutes before moving to pick him up.

He asked me about his medicine which he usually use which I gave him. He falls asleep not long after. While driving I see a convoy of rolls royces which surprise me.

Grey's release date was only known by me, scorpion and ghost. But coincidentaly we were followed, I shake them off two hours later.

After reaching home, Grey wakes up with bloody eyes, this doesn't make sense because he had already taken his medicine. He seems very agitated and looks dangerous.

Killing intent is leaking from him as he ran to the mansion. This makes me panic and I call scorpion tell her about the situation. She repremands me and hungs up.

Grey's painful grunts and groans coming from the bathroom makes it harder for me to gather my thoughts. Five minutes later ghost his students scorpion arrive. Accompanied with the former representatives of the investors who invested into Grey's invention the ark.

Grey became agitated when he saw ice for some reason, his outburst was something new as ice was Grey's best friend. The surprised look as he addressed her as 'mrs Hall ' said it all. Ghost's silence, scorpion's irritation, the appearance of ice after six years and all in all grandma Victoria's call after ten years.

I know something was up as only fang and sting were surprised. Somehow a huge conspiracy is brewing and I have to do something.

Grey having no memories can buy me time but I don't know how long it will last.