Meeting (1)

Ten o'clock at night in the English capital London, a black modified Gulfstream G680 touched down on the Heathrow airport. The long trip is finally over.

The autumn fall is in full swing,the night is chilly as the busy city is seen from a distance. The attendant offers two long costs to the duo, as usual Grey takes the dark one.

Grey leave the jet first and proceeds to the customs, leaving Max with the crew." Ok Ramesh, nice work today. From here on out everything you guys do is on my payslip. So have fun and good luck." Max smiled and increase his pace trying to catch up with Grey.

After being cleared Grey walked out of terminal sixteen, then he bumped into someone who seemed familiar. The guy is tall about two mitres and had a handsome face, he had expensive clothing and accessories.

"Watch where ya going mate,stop walking like ya drunk or something" From the look of things he was a wealthy family scion, his dress code,flashy temperament,rude his whole being screamed a spoilt brat.

Outside the airport, convoy of sports cars parked waiting for someone. Grey ignored the punk who was trying to show off and hailed a taxi. A taxi came fast and he got in,"city hospital please and be quick" Grey's tired voice spoke.

Before the taxi could drive away Max jumped in looking out of breath." Boss you want to leave me here alone, Amanda had already arranged a car to pick us up....I ...."

"Shut up or get out, I'm tired and have somewhere to go choose one!" Grey's angry voice cut Max's rumbling. The driver acknowledge this and drives away.

Ten minutes later the taxi reach the city hospital entrance, Max swiped his card entered the hospital. At the reception, Grey showed the receptionist a photo of grandma Victoria and was directed to ward number one hundred and sixty- six on the third floor of the second block. The duo follow the directions and finally got to the third floor of the second block. But to their surprise, two army men were guarding the door.

In the ward number one hundred and sixty- six, a middle aged man wearing a army general clothes seemed to be in an argument with grandma Victoria. This caused a lot of commotion throughout the whole floor.

"Who are you and why are you here?" One of officers at the door ask the duo. "We are relatives of the patient"*showing them the credentials* Max reply.

"Please waiting for a while, since the ward limits the number of visitors." The guard replied respectively.

Grey looks coldly at the door and sits down on the waiting area. "Fatty go find us something to eat, and remember NO junk foods." "Ohhh ok, no junk foods."

Three minutes later, Maxwell comes back with two pots of food. Grey's eyes never left the door, every sound from the room irritated him more and more.

The temperatures in the hallway suddenly dropped, slowly killing intent starts leaking from Grey's body. The guards at the door turn more vigilant with their guns at hand.

Maxwell then hold Grey's hand trying to calm him down. Grey's cold hand said it all, half his face covered by the cap remains cold. One of the guards aim his riffle at Grey." Sir please raise your hands and stand up right now!!"

Maxwell who was trying his best to calm Grey down was stunned silly, panic and fear turned his face red. As tension escalated he was left with one option.

"Grandma Victoria, Grey is here to see you!!" Maxwell shouted. This stunned everyone in the hallway, as no one thought of him to shout at night and worst of all in the hospital.

Ward number one hundred and sixty- six open and a neatly dressed army guy walked out. He had two gold stars on his shoulder, this meant he was at least a major in the army.

"Stand down boys, remember where you are!!!" The man refuted the soldiers harshly. "B....but sir he..."*pointing at the sited Grey* "No buts, did you forget who I am soldier?"the man questioned harshly. "Sorry sir, it won't happen again"

The man turns to the two young men, one of the boys wears all black and the other all white. The one in black has a black baseball cap on covering half of his face. The one in white is carrying two pots, one already opened and the second one is still sealed.

"My apologies young men, they have been rude to you." The man humbly apologized. Maxwell quickly replied"Well it's nothing, it's just that my friend never likes to be threatened that's all".

"Pardon me but what is your relationship with the patient?" The man questioned Max, "well she's my friend's grand mother, and for me it's complecated let's just say that she is our grandma." Max replied eagerly.

"Well she's waiting for you guys now so excuse me." The man said paving way for Max and Grey to enter the room. Throughout the whole conversation Grey never said anything.

Grey walks in first followed by Max, one of the guards close the door. The guard who raised his riffle at Grey walk with the man to the elevator." Orton what happened to you today, I saw you pointing your gun to the guy in black??" The man questioned. "Sir, I will be honest with you that kid has a very dangerous vibe with him. He's like a sheathed blood thirsty sword."

"Well that's new from you, a war veteran with more than ten years of experience is now afraid of kid hahaha!!" The man laughed it off, leaving the officer Orton speechless.This infuriates Orton even more.

"Don't say I didn't warn you when the time comes, that kid is bad news!!" Orton refuted again. "Okay my friend, I will be careful with him but don't act rashly again. We are not on the battlefield anymore, so please protect her for me. And last thing, except us no one else should know where I am, is it clear?"the man question Orton." Yes sir, clear sir "*Orton salutes the man*

*Sighs heavily*"Ortonmy friend, I leave her to your hands I have to get to the hotel and plan what's next" *patting Orton's shoulder* the man enter the elevator.